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Posted By: kyu homeschooling and DYS program? - 12/27/11 11:24 PM
Just wondering how helpful is it for homeschoolers to be part of the YS program? I've read how helpful the program seems to be for those in a school situation but we already are homeschooling and don't really want to try and find a school to "fit" our kid especially since the psychologist who tested him told us it would be really hard for him to fit into a regular school situation. Any help appreciated as we start thinking about applying to YS. Our DS is 6.5y and scored a 147 on his FSIQ WISC IV. Thanks!
Posted By: MegMeg Re: homeschooling and DYS program? - 12/29/11 03:08 AM
I would also be very interested in hearing answers to this. I'm planning to homeschool my 3.5 year old, but I've sort of assumed that DYS could provide social contacts with other DYSers that would be useful. True or not so true?
Posted By: Grinity Re: homeschooling and DYS program? - 12/29/11 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by MegMeg
I've sort of assumed that DYS could provide social contacts with other DYSers that would be useful. True or not so true?
True for your child and true for you too.
Also a great way to learn about educational programs and materials for the 'many aged'child.

Plus helps you understand yourself and your family better. Fills in for the neighborhood venting that regular moms get to do.

Posted By: Staceyshoe Re: homeschooling and DYS program? - 12/30/11 04:52 PM
We have been hsing for 2 years now and were just accepted into DYS. It's a huge relief to me to have the support of the YS program! I work hard to meet ds's academic needs, but it's a huge challenge. In the future, I look forward to learning about more resources for highly gifted kids, the potential of finding a science mentor for ds, and the opportunity for ds to meet other kids like himself. I'm sure we'll be seeking advice about when/how to grade skip and the pro/cons of early college, how to handle gap years, etc.
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