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Posted By: amom singapore math--- clueless - 07/25/11 06:33 AM
i have read with interest, posts about singapore math and most people here seem to like it.
i am looking for guidance in this regard as i would like to use it for my dd4 . she has been using kumon , but it seems like boring drill to her . She can add double digits and is at the elvel of single digit subtraction. I would love to hear suggestions on where i should start if i use the singapore math.
I mean i know there is the regular curiculum and then there are the practice books ( but i am not familiar with their curriculum at all
please advise , how and (where) should we get started with singapore math
Posted By: Bostonian Re: singapore math--- clueless - 07/25/11 12:05 PM
Singapore Math has placement tests at that could tell you where to start.

Posted By: onthegomom Re: singapore math--- clueless - 07/25/11 01:25 PM

This site has video lectures for 3rd grade Singapore Math.
Posted By: daytripper75 Re: singapore math--- clueless - 07/25/11 03:20 PM
The SM books at the Singapore Math website and the ones at are completely different. I would suggest ordering directly from the company and not from Amazon.
Posted By: Iucounu Re: singapore math--- clueless - 07/25/11 04:37 PM
I ordered from, getting free shipping with a code (you can ask for one over the phone for orders over $50). I made sure to buy the Standards Edition, which apparently has extra stuff compared to the U.S. Edition (and still has English units alongside the metric system, if that matters).

I ordered the homeschooler's guides (similar to the teacher's guide but without specific teaching strategies for large groups), workbooks, and textbooks. If I had to do it again, I might skip the workbooks, as we haven't used them at all so far.
Posted By: jenbrdsly Re: singapore math--- clueless - 07/26/11 04:10 PM
Before you buy anything, you should also check out Right Start Math. We really like that program, and it is often recommended for gifted kids:
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