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Posted By: Berteau DYS May Applications? - 06/09/10 05:10 PM
Does anyone know if the change to the application deadline will impact those who applied for the May 15th deadline? In other words, should we still be getting a response any day now or will we now have to wait until the end of June?

Posted By: MES Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/09/10 09:00 PM
Great question. We're curious here also. Thanks!
Posted By: cjzimmer1 Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/09/10 09:57 PM
I've been wondering the same thing myself. I keep checking my e-mail and nothing so far.
Posted By: RobotMom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/09/10 11:54 PM
We were talking about the same thing here last night.
Posted By: 2SillyMonsters Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 12:58 AM
We are also in the same boat.
Posted By: Mam Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 04:11 AM
Good luck to all of you. If I recall correctly, when they acknowledged receipt of the application, they gave a range in weeks on when to expect results.

I would guess that they would still do the 2-3 weeks, but maybe closer to the longer range since they must be busy preparing for the annual event in June.
Posted By: cjzimmer1 Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 10:47 PM
We just got our acceptance e-mail a little while ago. So hopefully everyone else will be hearing soon as well.
Posted By: MES Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 11:17 PM
Yes. We are thrilled to report ds is now a dys.
Posted By: Berteau Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 11:36 PM
We got our acceptance email this afternoon as well.
Posted By: RobotMom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/10/10 11:53 PM
Congrats to all of you. We're still waiting, but I'm happy to hear that they are on their way.
Posted By: 2SillyMonsters Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/11/10 02:16 AM
Our DS has been accepted too! Congratulations to all!
Posted By: onthegomom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/11/10 02:34 AM
Congrats everyone. I hope you enjoy the benefits of DYS!
Posted By: sittin pretty Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/11/10 03:31 AM
Congrats, everyone! Fingers crossed for you Kerry.
Posted By: CourtneyB Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/11/10 05:24 AM
Congrats to you all!

We will be submitting for the 7/1 date I guess. I missed that it changed from the 14th to the 1st, lol. Oh well gives me time to try to get a recommendation I guess.
Posted By: gratefulmom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/12/10 04:05 PM
Hi everyone! I just found this forum and am brand new, but my 5 year old son just got accepted, too! I'm looking forward to talking with all of you more! smile
Posted By: RobotMom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/14/10 10:15 PM
Not to rain on anyone's parade, because I'm really happy for all of you who were accepted, but DD7 was not accepted as a DYS. frown

We were really hoping she would be, but in reality I guess DH was right - "she's not quite that smart"
Oh well, at least we've still got this forum to continue to get great support and ideas from.
Posted By: gratefulmom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 02:08 AM
Kerry, I'm so sorry because I know you've invested a lot of time and heart in this process. Perhaps it's easier if you think not in terms of how smart she is (and I'm sure she is VERY for you to spend so much time on this!), but rather as a blessing that she may not have as many special needs as some of the children in these extremes?

This is a great site for all gifted children and their families. Since we also have a toddler, I'm likely to be here a lot too just to learn more, even after we get our other passwords.
Posted By: onthegomom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kerry
Not to rain on anyone's parade, because I'm really happy for all of you who were accepted, but DD7 was not accepted as a DYS. frown

Sorry it did not workout. Hugs. Your a good mom for trying.
Posted By: cjzimmer1 Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 02:38 AM
Sorry to hear that, I know it's tough. My son was not accepted when we first applied when he was 8. It took me 4 years to work up the nerve to try again. Back then I applied because I thought I was at a complete loss at what to do with him, but somehow things worked out even without the extra help I thought I needed. You will find a work to work through whatever issues you are dealing with. And you can always try again at some future date if it seems appropriate.
Posted By: Grinity Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Kerry
We were really hoping she would be, but in reality I guess DH was right - "she's not quite that smart"
Oh well, at least we've still got this forum to continue to get great support and ideas from.

((pats to Kerry))
Sorry there was no 'Yes' but believe me, if Dottie says she was close to DYS, then she really is 'very, very gifted' - and I'm so glad that we are here to get great support and ideas.
((cue theme from Friends TV show))
Posted By: RobotMom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 03:46 PM
Thanks everyone. It has been a tough year all around, (move to a new state, bullying in 2 different schools, teachers who didn't "get" DD, an awful job for me, which I've ended up quitting and now a new job hunt and a new school for DD next year) and we were hoping for the "yes".
But, Grinity, I think I'll be agreeing with you - if Dottie says she was that close..... We probably will re-apply after a couple of years when she has some other test results.

Right now we're starting to "de-school" and get into the summer groove, as well as rearrange the living room to make space for lego league type robot building! (A friend lent us her clubs' past kits and with DD2 wanting to help, we have to get a "clear and secure" space organized so all of the pieces get back to my friend at the end of the summer.)

Thanks again for the support. I'm feeling better about it all smile
Posted By: onthegomom Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 04:07 PM
My DS9 was very close getting in DYS with IQ and AT but when he took the EXPLORE he really excelled past the minimum. I hope you will find this encouraging for another way to help qualify. The cost is also less expensive. (Look into EXPLORE test dates because they are only twice a year.)
Posted By: Cricket2 Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kerry
Not to rain on anyone's parade, because I'm really happy for all of you who were accepted, but DD7 was not accepted as a DYS. frown

We were really hoping she would be, but in reality I guess DH was right - "she's not quite that smart"
Oh well, at least we've still got this forum to continue to get great support and ideas from.
It sounds like you are feeling better already and I'm sure that I missed your other posts wherein the scores that made Dottie think that she was super close are, but I too wanted to offer a hug.

My oldest really probably isn't a DYS level kid, but she is a lot brighter than dh thinks. I do think that it is possible for parents, especially dads who may not interact closely with other young kids the ways moms who are running the play dates do, to underestimate their kids. In terms of IQ, my dd11's one test is somewhat lower than my IQ scores from when I was a teen. I am rather certain that she is more intelligent than I am (or at least has a very directed personality that makes her appear unusually bright).

Dh doesn't really see that so much, though, although I'm sure that he'd admit that she is brighter than avg. Some of his self esteem issues seem to come into play as well in that I hear stuff like, "well they have some of me in them too, so they're really going to have problems academically..."

Hopefully those inexpensive EXPLORE scores in a year or two will give you better direction on whether to re-apply.
Posted By: PGDad Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/15/10 11:31 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I've been searching for information about gifted education for my son for years. Is DYS very helpful to highly gifted kids? My son took a WISC IV test last year (He was 11.5) and his FSIQ is 143 and GAI is 153. He's been in GATE magnet school but he still has problems with his school. Anyone's kids accepted to DYS and any suggestions?
Posted By: Mam Re: DYS May Applications? - 06/16/10 12:04 AM
Hi there. The GAI is a qualifying score for DYS, so you would need to get some achievement testing. Has he had any?

I think the YSP is a great resource. It is amazing for some, and less valuable for others (a lot of it depends on what you want to get out of it and whether you use the resources or not).
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