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Posted By: zarfkitty explore results still missing - 04/08/10 09:29 PM
Hi everyone,

I've called in to ACT and they are researching the delay. Has anyone else ever had explore results go missing? How long did it take ACT to solve it?

Posted By: zarfkitty Re: explore results still missing - 04/08/10 10:17 PM
She's in Duke TIP. I wonder where that is on the totem pole? We have a locking mailbox, so no neighbor issues. It seems this could be solved with an online interface. It's only 2010.
Posted By: Cricket2 Re: explore results still missing - 04/09/10 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dottie
Well, not to scare you or anything, but once I opened up my kid's SAT results, and found not one but TWO reports, shocked . Apparently I had his...and the kid sequentially after him.
Yikes! Fortunately for the other family, they didn't get your ds' results along with their child's or they probably would have felt pretty bad!

Re the OP, no we've never had missing results, so I don't know how long you should expect to wait. Doesn't TIP have their own copy of the results? Can't they at least tell you the #s if you can prove that you are who you say you are?
Posted By: zarfkitty Re: explore results still missing - 04/13/10 01:51 PM
Well, I called again yesterday afternoon. They are still "researching" the delay. When I asked whether they could just print and mail a new copy, they said they had to finish researching the delay first. WTF?

The customer service representative was exceedingly nice to me, so I'm going to be patient for a few more days. But this is seriously frustrating.
Posted By: Dazed&Confuzed Re: explore results still missing - 04/13/10 08:28 PM
OH how horrible! I hope it's worth the wait.
Posted By: zarfkitty Re: explore results still missing - 04/16/10 09:24 PM
Called ACT again. The customer service rep now says that DD's results are delayed due to technical difficulties and they have no idea how long it will be until the issue is solved. Maybe DD is so smart her scantron fried ACT's computer. Oh well.
Posted By: onthegomom Re: explore results still missing - 04/16/10 10:44 PM
So sorry you have to wait more. I just couldn't stand that. I'm glad your keeping your humor about it. I'm imagining smoke and alarms going off. This one is off the Charts. LOL
Posted By: zarfkitty Re: explore results still missing - 04/28/10 09:19 PM
I finally got a straight answer from ACT. Somehow, all of the answer documents from five of the EXPLORE testing centers were completely lost. My DD's testing center was one of those five. She gets to retest at no cost but I won't know the date of the retest until I get the actual letter of explanation. If she can't make the retest date, she gets next Jan/Feb test at no cost.

I really wanted those scores for advocacy (and possibly DYS). This is seriously frustrating.
Posted By: Dazed&Confuzed Re: explore results still missing - 04/28/10 09:26 PM
I was afraid of that. I'd be horrified as we had to drive up the night before and stay in a hotel so it was quite an expensive test for us.

For kids who've never taken the Explore before, they will now have an advantage!
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