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Posted By: CAMom WIAT Percentiles? - 12/09/09 10:56 PM
I just realized that our WIAT test report does not have percentiles on it and we're having a school meeting tomorrow to go over the Iowa Acceleration Scale! The school did not administer the testing and our private ed.psych is out of town this week. Does anyone know the percentiles for these scores? I have grade equivalents but I know those aren't the same.

6 years 4 months- 1st grade:

Broad reading: 146

Broad Math- 132

Broad Written Language 106

Oral Language- 120
Posted By: CAMom Re: WIAT Percentiles? - 12/10/09 12:27 AM
Dottie- you are my HERO today!!! You hopefully just helped a very bored kid get a grade acceleration he's begging for!
Posted By: CAMom Re: WIAT Percentiles? - 12/11/09 05:22 PM
Well Dottie we made some progress but didn't get the exact answer we were hoping for! Surprisingly enough, his teacher actually brought up the acceleration and suggested we do it in January instead of waiting!! Everyone agreed, but then the principal piped up with some baloney about class size reduction numbers and how moving him would make the school lose money. He essentially said nope, not unless we find the missing money. But he couldn't quantify what that amount would be :-(

They did all agree that he can move to 3rd grade, skipping 2nd next August if we decide to go ahead!

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