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Posted By: Jamie B How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 04:55 PM
I'm struggling to get DSs school to offer him anything extra right now. I'm trying to gather facts to try and prove my case to them.

DS scored 3.4 standard deviations above the norm on the SB-IV test. The school board tested him and won't release much more information than that. Are there any stastics that I can bring to the school showing that DS scored higher than X amount of children his age?

I want this because his enrichment teacher (where he's just doing art) told me that basically he's not special because all of her gifted kids are very bright. I'd love to know what the chances are of her having another kid at DSs level this year.
Posted By: Jamie B Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 05:20 PM
Thanks Dottie...this is exactly what I was looking for!
Posted By: lightheart1 Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 06:32 PM
"The school board tested him and won't release much more information than that." That to me seems completely wrong! If your child underwent a medical test, wouldn't you be given the complete results? What right do they have to withhold this information from you?
Posted By: Jamie B Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by lightheart1
"The school board tested him and won't release much more information than that." That to me seems completely wrong! If your child underwent a medical test, wouldn't you be given the complete results? What right do they have to withhold this information from you?
I guess because they gave him the test for free they don't have to give me more information. I called them to get the actual scores when I was applying for DYS and was told that they don't do that because people place too much importance on IQ scores and it could be that my son was having a good day when he took the test.
Posted By: Cathy A Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 06:54 PM
FERPA. You have a right to view all your child's educational records.
Posted By: Cathy A Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie B could be that my son was having a good day when he took the test.

LOL! Well, they wouldn't want to place any importance on the results if it were a good day... crazy

That is so ridiculous! As if he could guess his way to a score 3 s.d. above the mean...
Posted By: vicam Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 07:36 PM
At the very least you have the right to review any and all records in his files. Be sure to request any and all files, including cum, health, IAT, yellow or blue sped.. They cannot keep you from seeing his records and files.
Posted By: Jamie B Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by vicam
At the very least you have the right to review any and all records in his files. Be sure to request any and all files, including cum, health, IAT, yellow or blue sped.. They cannot keep you from seeing his records and files.
I did request everything and they flat out told me no.
Posted By: inky Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 07:39 PM
FERPA, FERPA, FERPA! wink You may need to mention it specifically.
P.S. This is a good link too:
Posted By: Jamie B Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 07:39 PM
Thanks Cathy and the school board here seems to be a little difficult to work say the least smile
Posted By: vicam Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 08:06 PM
Tell them they are breaking the law. I agree FERPA. You can't look at someone elses records but as legal guardian of the child who had to sign permission forms to even let them be tested that is information that cannnot be kept from you.
Posted By: onthegomom Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/03/09 10:45 PM
Here's a thought.... before you start talking law try to tell them your child is elligible to apply for DYS. I would suggest not talking about DYS and any school envolvement because my school got very defensive. You could tell them it's a great program and sometime kids get camp scholarships. Tell them you need a full report and if that does not work try going to the principal. I'm just thinking you would be better to keep it freindly if you can. I hope it goes well. Let us know what happens.
Posted By: Wyldkat Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/04/09 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Jamie B
I did request everything and they flat out told me no.

In writing?
Posted By: chris1234 Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/05/09 06:59 PM
Our school could not 'release' records to me, but I could come by and see them and copy stuff down. Still not sure why they wouldn't release copies, but in any event I got the info I was interested in.
Posted By: Jamie B Re: How Many Kids Score This? - 12/05/09 08:53 PM
I tried that on Friday. The lady I talked to was a little more receptive and is having somebody call me back on Monday.

I tried requesting it in email but not in writing. They never responded to the email so I'm sure they'd just say they didn't get the request. Oh, I guess I could send it certified mail.
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