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Posted By: marieg ACT versus ACT Explore - 09/09/09 05:18 AM
Question regarding which to take.

DD10 took the ACT Explore in 4th grade and qualified for the awards at Northwestern. 25 English 25 Reading 17 Math and 22 Science. 22 composite.

This year she's skipped to 6th and could technically take either the Explore or full on ACT.

Any benefit to taking the Explore again (see if her math goes up?)
Or take the ACT (check her reading and English since she hit the ceiling, but math would drop I know. It's her most challenging subject).

?? School doesn't much care either way and while I think getting awards is cool, we certainly don't test just for them.
Posted By: OHGrandma Re: ACT versus ACT Explore - 09/09/09 01:42 PM
I asked on the board earlier this year about how the Explore equates with the ACT. The concensus seemed to be that a 17 on the Explore would be a 17 on the ACT; I think you'll see if her math improves by using the ACT. The other 3 subjects definitely would benefit by testing with the ACT.
Posted By: marieg Re: ACT versus ACT Explore - 09/09/09 07:56 PM
I got a note from someone saying to not take the ACT because it would be automatically shared with colleges. I'd rather not share these scores with colleges especially when taken as a 10 year old.
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