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Posted By: elizabethmom WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/05/09 07:13 PM
Hi all -
The county's school psychologist once told me that age 6 was a bad age for the WISC, that is was testing "low". She recommended waiting until age 7. Is this anyone else's experience, Dottie, any comments?
Posted By: JBDad Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/05/09 07:45 PM
I'd be interested to hear people's thoughtst too. (sure they should be normed but there are differences between theory & practice).

Posted By: Cathy A Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/06/09 02:39 AM
Well, my DS was tested with the WISC at age 6 and his score was within 2 points of his WPPSI score (age 4.5). So, in his case at least, the scoring seems fairly consistent.
Posted By: elizabethmom Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/06/09 06:43 PM
Thank you, Dottie! Perhaps it was just en empirical observation that some 6 year olds did not do well, and the person was very un-scientifically passing this along!
Posted By: Mam Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/06/09 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dottie
The norms though are far from perfect, and any time you cross an age hurdle (3 per year), the scoring is slightly different.

Does that mean that the age brackets are every 4 months? I was wondering whether they had the same as WPPSI (every 3 months), but it would make sense to have them less frequently in older children when they would expect less developmental changes.
Posted By: Mam Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/06/09 11:25 PM
It is so random. We scheduled the WISC when it was practical that meant this past week, right before school started. I had no idea what age brackets they had, and thought that she'd probably be in the middle of one (between 6:6 and 6:9), or just starting one if they did every 6 months. She turned out to be a couple of weeks shy of the 6:8.

Anyway, I don't have the scores yet, but it is so random that the results would probably have been lower (slighty I suppose) had the test been a couple of weeks later.

Very interesting in the Coding section. I can't think of anything in which an advantage of 2 full years is not significant at that age.
Posted By: Ruby Re: WISC and age 6 - Dottie? - 09/07/09 02:10 AM
My dd took the WISC-IV at age 6 and scored very high, though her lowest was processing speed by 14 points. Never thought too much about that because I thought it was common for gifted kids to have lower processing speeds compared to VCI and PRI. Interesting information, Dottie!

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