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Posted By: renie1 WIAT vs. WJ achievement tests - 08/24/09 03:53 AM
can someone give me an idea which is "better" for an achievement test for my DD7 who is very bright, a phenom reader, but poor processing speed? It looks like the WIAT and the WJ III are most popular. My psych did the Wide Range Achievement test when my son did an IQ test and after reading about that test, would like to have a more comprehensive test done.
Posted By: Dazed&Confuzed Re: WIAT vs. WJ achievement tests - 08/24/09 12:36 PM
Dottie wrote about this in another thread although I can't recall which one. I think the gist is that the WJ has a timed speed drill in each of it's sections whereas the WIAT does not. I'll see if I can recall which thread it was under.
Posted By: Cathy A Re: WIAT vs. WJ achievement tests - 08/24/09 04:22 PM
If he took the WISC, the WIAT is supposed to be calibrated for use with the WISC for the purpose of identifying learning disabilities.
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