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We had DS7 tested again on the WJ-III test today and he has qualifying scores in both Broad Reading (147) and Broad Math (145). Last July when we tested, the tester was unfamiliar with what subtests to give for the Broad scores, so we only have 2 of the 3 required inputs for the Reading and Math scores (missing Fluency scores), but based on what I *do* have, I believe he would have gotten qualifying scores in Reading only (last year L-W ID 149, Pass. Comp. 139).

Is it at all significant that 2 years in a row, he has gotten qualifying scores?

Also, is it significant that his math last year was just "above average" (calc. and applied problems both 127) and this year, they have increased dramatically (calc. 145, applied problems 134, fluency is only 125)?

Is it a point in our favor that we have scores for both Reading and Math?

And, honestly, is that the achievement profile of a PG kid? On one of the graphs the tester gave me, it looks like it's possible for the SS scores to go to 160+, wouldn't *that* be PG?

DH is really resistant to spending the money on IQ testing, but I think I might be able to collect some very interesting things for DS7's portfolio. Then if they come back requesting more information, I can use it to convince DH to spend the money on the IQ. But, I don't want to waste Davidson's time if DS7 fits the letter, but not the spirit of the requirements.

I know this is so convoluted, I hope I'm making some kind of sense in there! It just freaks me out that he's met the requirements for *both* areas, when I've always assumed it was his verbal that was his HG area and math was just MG.

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