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This post deleted by OP because...OP needs to read more carefully!
Nice to hear from you, Lucky!

Si, Vo, and MR would all still be 18s, based on those raw scores. I think you may have been reading the extended scaled scores from the age 6-0 to 6-3 tables, instead of the appropriate table for his age at time of testing.

The reason two 18s is enough to check is because at certain ages, some subtests max out at 18. But that's usually for older students.

So your DC's original scores are the correct ones. And, of course, they are still plenty strong!

Oh my gosh, hi AEH! Thanks so much for replying (again & again) wink

All I can say for myself is Bwahahahahaha - awkward!!! I really need to check my reading prescription.

You are so kind, and I am duly embarrassed! I hope it's okay, but I'll delete my original post now, I'm mortified!

DS is doing well for the most part, so yes, nothing changes with this, just got on the wrong track and misread the tables.

Thanks again so much, and have a great evening!

No worries! You're not the first to have done that, and you won't be the last. smile

Glad to hear your DC is doing well...that's the most important thing, after all!
The printouts I have are pretty hard to read too.
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