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Posted By: lanfan Question on NNAT Test Score - 11/26/08 11:19 PM
Hello all,

I just got dd's NNAT scores in the mail and am happily surprised by her results. I was hoping for some feedback though.

Here goes:

Raw score - 33
Scaled score - 659

Patter Completion - 9/10
Reasoning by analogy - 11/12
Serial Reasoning - 11/11
Spatial Visualization - 2/5

The spatial always gets me because she is super good at puzzels and always has been.

NAI - 135
Age PR-S 99-9

Good news is this alone should qualify her for GT but we are still waiting for the COGAT scores. I don't know much about this test and seems to conflict with her WISC where she didn't do very well on the nonverbal subtest. It the NNAT just easier?
Thanks for any help you can give!!!
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