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Posted By: funtimes PAR testing - 07/18/16 10:41 PM
Is any familiar with the PAR test regarding a screening tool for dyslexia? Would a 50th percentile on the PAR with a FSIQ 124, VCI 130 be a big red flag? or just a possible closer look?
Posted By: aeh Re: PAR testing - 07/19/16 12:17 AM
This is a screener, though one with a particularly deep data set, so I would go with closer look, prior to panicking.

And more information than you probably wanted:
Posted By: funtimes Re: PAR testing - 07/20/16 01:20 AM
TY Aeh.

Posted By: polarbear Re: PAR testing - 07/21/16 08:38 PM
funtimes, reading issues in HG+/EG/PG kids are really difficult to tease out, sometimes really difficult to notice because of their otherwise high abilities. I think you've had some indications of reading comprehension not matching other abilities (based on a quick look at a previous post). If you're concerned about the possibility of dyslexia or some other reading challenge, I'd recommend an in-depth evaluation by someone who deals specifically with reading challenges. Was the PAR administered at school as a group screener or privately or through the school's reading specialist as an individual screener? My dd's screens at school turned up nothing (as far as school was concerned, but school also was looking at a very narrow set of decoding skills and measuring against a low bar of expectations, not relative to her other abilities. Her private SLP reading assessment included several tests getting into many different skill sets and that was much more helpful in seeing her challenge and making a remediation plan.

Best wishes,

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