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Posted By: HelloBaby Prep for psychologist meeting - 03/21/16 05:14 PM
DS underwent a private IQ testing at the recommendation of his teacher. We will be meeting with the psychologist next week to go over the result and any possible recommendations.

Other than going over the result, what other questions should I be asking the psychologist?

Posted By: chay Re: Prep for psychologist meeting - 03/21/16 05:39 PM
Agreed. I would also recommend taking another person if possible especially if you are thinking there might be more to it than straight up gifted. It was a LOT of new stuff to process in our case and it was good that both DH and I were able to get the information directly from the source and ask our own questions. Our psychologist was also open to talk more after we had a chance to process everything and do some research which was useful. We knew nothing about LD's going into this whole adventure.
Posted By: ElizabethN Re: Prep for psychologist meeting - 03/21/16 06:22 PM
If you don't have the scores yet (and it sounds like you don't), ask if you can have a follow-up meeting after this one, after you've had a chance to think about what they mean.

Ask about standard errors and about how confident they are in whatever the results are.
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