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Posted By: purpleviolin stubbornness and refuse to be corrected - 04/20/15 05:32 AM
Hi All

Recently, we are mostly concerned about DS11's extreme inflexibility to be corrected, across board on almost everything he does, whether it's a math problem, an essay, the swim strokes or piano.

He attends a small private school and learns math by himself with his own pace. According to his teacher, he never has any questions, although I know that some of the materials are challenging for him.

He has had private lessons for piano for a while and is good at practicing 20-30 minutes a day. However, he makes very slow progress and has very stubborn mistakes. I know his teacher points out sections he needs to correct and drill but he does not like to and only practice in his own way.

He had swim lessons for a few years before quitting last year. the reason for quitting is instead of following teacher's instructions, he was very stubborn in his own way. therefore, the lesson to improve his strokes became a waste of money.

it is a struggle trying to point out a few things in his essay.

The list can go on...

This has become a major roadblock for him to making progress in almost all the things he does, academically or other activities.

What should I do to help him?

Many thanks.

I would consider reframing it-rather than stubbornness maybe it is perfectionism and fear of failure. Google gifted perfectionism.
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