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Posted By: Madoosa Dual Processing ability? - 11/13/14 01:17 PM
Has anyone heard of this? Apparently it is rather rare - even within the gifted populace.

Posted By: Madoosa Re: Dual Processing ability? - 11/17/14 06:02 AM
nobody has anything on this for me??
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: Dual Processing ability? - 11/17/14 08:45 AM
Never heard of it, sorry. Context? Something to do with dual process theory?
Posted By: Madoosa Re: Dual Processing ability? - 11/17/14 01:27 PM
Yes ColinsMum, that is the basis of it.

In the reports we got from both my older boys tests, the psychologist mentioned that they are both true dual processors - they can focus equally and at a level well above "competent" on two totally unrelated tasks at the same time.

I finally saw this happen with my middle son and it was quite incredible to watch. She mentioned that it is very rare to find people who can properly dual process. I managed to get two kids that can - and I found out two friends have children who are also confirmed as dual processors...
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