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Posted By: apm221 STAR test update - 10/02/14 09:05 PM
I mentioned several times on here that my daughter's STAR scores dropped substantially and I thought this follow up might be relevant for someone.

My 9 year scored at around an 8.9 on the STAR reading test in August, which was lower than at the beginning of the previous school year. We speculated about why (possibly missing an easy question, etc.) and the school lowered her assignments accordingly despite my concern that her reading level couldn't have dropped that far.

So they had their regular STAR test to monitor progress today and apparently her score was "way higher" (as the teacher put it) than the 12.3 grade level equivalent from last April. So her assignments are drastically changing effective tomorrow.

Somehow, this does not improve my confidence in the testing and assessment process! It looks like the test is usually fairly consistent in repeated testing, but this sort of thing is frustrating - especially when the kids are told the results and get concerned.
Posted By: Loy58 Re: STAR test update - 10/02/14 09:47 PM
apm221, I cannot remember from your last post, does the school just blindly follow the individual STAR scores or do they also assess them in context (other assessment devices, prior scores, etc.)? I seem to remember (perhaps incorrectly) that the school thought that the prior "lower" score must now be correct, and were "lowering" her instruction accordingly. Which made no sense to me...
Posted By: apm221 Re: STAR test update - 10/02/14 10:15 PM
They just use the score, unfortunately. They adjust it to whatever score the kids get. I assume there aren't usually such large differences.
Posted By: puffin Re: STAR test update - 10/02/14 11:23 PM
Surely the teacher should know enough about the child to over ride the test?
Posted By: Loy58 Re: STAR test update - 10/02/14 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by puffin
Surely the teacher should know enough about the child to over ride the test?

Yes, right? One would hope so! It sounded like they were suggesting that your child actually needed a "lower instructional level," than she needed previously, which is surprising (and in most cases, makes little sense).
Posted By: apm221 Re: STAR test update - 10/03/14 03:43 AM
I agree. It has been frustrating.
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