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Posted By: OrlFamily Iq results & immersion - 05/17/14 02:39 AM
Hi there, my son was recently accepted into a program for the highly gifted. He is currently about 4 or 5 grade levels ahead for math (1st grade). Does his iq indicate that he should be that far ahead/will maintain this pace?

He is currently in an immersion program & very frustrated. They will not make any accommodations for him. Their gifted program starts in 3rd grade and is a pullout designed for the 99%. Do you think that program will meet his needs or would you put him in the center for highly gifted children? We don't want to pull him out of immersion but he is bored.

Thank you so much for your hep. We're new to this and not sure what the numbers mean.
Posted By: geofizz Re: Iq results & immersion - 05/19/14 11:32 AM

FSIQ is not an average of the other numbers, but a measure of how rare that combination of scores is in the population. Sift through some of the other scores that people post here, and you'll see that often the memory and speed score are lower than the others, and these cause bottlenecks for the child. Your child doesn't have any such blocks.

No one can predict what your DS' future needs are, as they depend on much more than iq. For my kids, though, the gifted pull outs have been really valuable when done in tandem with other interventions, including accelerations and very careful peer and teacher placements.
Posted By: Zen Scanner Re: Iq results & immersion - 05/19/14 12:08 PM
Much of math intuitively chains from other math. With interest and some smarts a kid can easily be that far ahead in the early years. Without instruction or intentional pursuit that gap can narrow as algebra and some other topics aren't quite as intuitive. My DS8 is in that range on math, and makes hs own effort to keep extending his knowledge and has maintained it by teaching himself algebra through various resources.

He was in an immersion program (ours is called learning immersion, guessing yours is a language one?) and just missed on a rubric in first grade to go to an HG program for second. The solution for him was skipping second to get into the gifted program (full time classroom) that started in 3rd. It's been working well.

Bored is an unnatural state for kids.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: Iq results & immersion - 05/19/14 12:21 PM
Welcome! What Zen said about early years maths. As he gets older, be sure to provide hard problems, not only ongoing acceleration - that's where real growth comes from, and your DS is in the fortunate position of having time. This is a hobby horse of mine...
Posted By: aeh Re: Iq results & immersion - 05/19/14 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by geofizz

FSIQ is not an average of the other numbers, but a measure of how rare that combination of scores is in the population. Sift through some of the other scores that people post here, and you'll see that often the memory and speed score are lower than the others, and these cause bottlenecks for the child. Your child doesn't have any such blocks.

Correct. I don't have my tables with me, so I can't speak to the exact numbers, but the general idea is that any given high Index score is pretty rare, but it's much more rare to have multiple rare events occurring in the same person, than to have a single rare event occurring in any one person. (Comparatively, splinter skills are not all that unusual in the general population, but global high skills are.)
Posted By: DrummerLiz Re: Iq results & immersion - 05/19/14 01:56 PM
My DS6 was in Spanish immersion Kindergarten this year and, for him, it was a mistake. We thought it would be more challenging for him. After having him privately tested this winter with a high GAI on the WISC IV we started having meetings with his school. They would not give him more challenging math so we started EPGY at home. He asks to do "Eppy", as he calls it, as soon as he gets home. It is amazing how rapidly a mathy kid blows through it!

We have decided to pull him out of immersion this fall and are transferring to him another school in the district that has a separate gifted classroom starting in 2nd grade. His current Principal actually admitted to me in one of our meetings (amazing how many meetings you get with high test scores) that none of the 1st grade Spanish teachers would be able to accelerate or differentiate curriculum for him. So frustrating!

Initially we really wanted to keep him in immersion. The school lobbied hard to keep him. After much deliberation we are very happy with our decision. My DH and I feel that he can already understand, read and write Spanish after a year of 1/2 day K I'm sure he can pick it up later if he is interested. Right now it's more important to get him excited about actually learning at school, hopefully!

Regarding DYS his FSIQ meets the minimum. Our son's memory and speed scores were much lower than his others so the Psychologist used GAI like many of the kids geofizz referenced. For DYS we used the WISC IV and the Woodcock Johnson Achievement test to qualify. He was just accepted so we are learning as we go but I highly recommend it!

Feel free to pm me if you want to talk immersion. Good luck!
Posted By: OrlFamily Re: Iq results & immersion - 06/10/14 01:44 AM
Thank you! Sounds as if we had a similar experience with immersion. We have decided to pull him.
Posted By: LRS Re: Iq results & immersion - 06/11/14 03:32 PM
This is really interesting to hear about experiencs with immersion school. We got the opprtunity to send our son to one last year but ended up turning it down. Then I had to pull him out of school because his classroom was such a disaster for him this year and I regretted not sending him to the immersion program (evem though language is really not his thing) I feel a little better aboutour decision now. Besides, homeschool is working well for him, and he hears spanish at home anyway! My kid is one of those odd mathy ones. School was incredibly boring and stressful for him.
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