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Posted By: epoh Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/05/14 03:07 PM
So, I finally got DS10's MAP scores for fall and winter - yay. Anyway, I was just curious how they figure the Student RIT Projection number? Because some are lower than his current scores, and that doesn't really make much sense...

Here are his scores. I'm hoping I can add this to stack of evidence for why he should be in the g/t program next year.

Math - FA13:220 WI14:224 SP14:229
Reading - FA13:208 WI14:217 SP14:214(??)
Language Usage - FA13:213 WI14:219 SP14:218(?)
Science (Gen) - FA13:207 WI14:209 SP14:210

I was actually pretty surprised his math scores were better than his reading scores. The tests are fairly long, though, and he does get bored, lol.
Posted By: Loy58 Re: Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/05/14 03:18 PM
Hi Amy,

So the SP14 is the "projected" RIT number? If I am understanding that correctly, I am mystified, too. DD8 has had some similar numbers in the past and her RIT projections have always been "upwards," never downwards. The only thing I can imagine is that they are somehow using the "mean" in their projection and that is pulling their projections down? Perhaps someone else can make better sense of this than I can.
As to Math vs. Reading: scores aren't apple to apple. These are interval rather than normal scores. Math tops out twenty points higher than reading.

I was thinking the future numbers were about acceptable levels of growth rather than projections. They may have an error range factor that lowers the acceptable minimum growth score from a projected score. Since overperformers have lower projected growth in points (like say 1 points growth,) then the acceptable factor could drop that by 5 points.
Posted By: epoh Re: Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/05/14 06:56 PM
Loy - Yes, the SP14 is the projected score for his spring test.

Zen - Good to know. I didn't realize there was that much a difference in the Reading to Math scores.
AM I reading the scores properly?

math fall 220 winter 224
reading fall 208 winter 217

What grade is he in?
Posted By: epoh Re: Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/05/14 09:54 PM
He's in 4th, and yes, those are his fall and winter scores.
Reading is at the 84th percentile and math is 88th percentile. NWEA uses the 95th percentile as its gifted cut. It looks like his reading jumped from the 77th percentile from the fall but math fell a bit.

In our district, these scores would not qualify for the testing required to enter the gifted program.
Posted By: Hook Re: Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/07/14 03:18 PM
I believe the end of year (spring) projections are made in the fall. This is their target, hopefully, although many gifted kids who get no exposure to new material during a year may stay very flat. My first grader blew by his spring projection by 10 points just going from fall to winter. I have made the effort to expose him to new material since public school and even our 30 minute once a week GT course provides no new input. Can't wait to see his spring scores!
Posted By: awaz Re: Quick MAP scores question - projections - 03/07/14 03:54 PM
Hook is correct. RIT growth projections are based off of Fall scores and vary based on subject area and starting score. This might help explain RIT growth: NWEA Growth as Measure
If your child has already met the projection by Winter, the projection won't adjust. My first grader met her projection for reading by winter testing in kinder and first grade, but her math scores were basically flat from Fall to Spring last year and Fall to Winter this year because no new material was introduced. Between Spring of Kinder and Fall of First she gained 20 points from things she selected to work on over the summer. Theoretically our district uses the RIT projection to show gains which prove teacher efficacy.

Our district won't use NWEA MAP scores for gifted identification. I would check with your district to see exactly what type of testing they will accept and push to get those tests done.
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