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Posted By: Myfav WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/23/14 02:28 PM
My boy is five-year and four-month old. This coming fall, he will start his kindergarten school life .

He possesses accelerated development in math and reading. He can read and comprehend books at third grade level per ( His math ability is around fourth grade per Kumon math.

Where I am living now, however, does not provide any special education help for academically accelerated kids until grade three.

My son is going to have WPPSI III IQ test next week through a children Psychologist. I want to use IQ test result to negotiate with schools for education help.

My son is shy and not talkative. Does his introvert personality impact his test result?

Is WIPPI III a proper test for him, given that he is quite accelerated in reading and math subjects?

I am a newbie in dealing with issues like these. You advise is greatly appreciated.
I am no expert nor am I familiar with that WPPSI. That being said, I would be concerned about hitting the ceilings at that age. We waited until our son turned 6 and had him tested with the WISC-IV.
Posted By: Khombi Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/23/14 04:17 PM
I agree with frannieandejsmom. Your son is the same age as mine
and we had ceiling issues when he was given the wppsi at 3.5.
There are no extended norms for the wppsi so you really don't
get a true picture of your sons abilities. We are doing the
WISC and the WIAT when our little guy turns five in September 2014.
The child needs to be 6 for the WISC
Posted By: puffin Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/23/14 07:20 PM
The wppsi iv is supposed to extend the upper age to 7.7 but seems to be giving lower scores. The WJ111 cognitive doesn't have the same ceiling issues.
Posted By: Khombi Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/23/14 10:12 PM
Sorry, DS is 5 now, I meant to say 6.
Posted By: Yewumei Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/24/14 06:36 AM
My son is similar in age and math level. We got him tested a few days ago for application to private school. He completed every task in block design. I guess that is ceiling issue that the previous posts are talking about. Maybe Wisc is a better choice.
Posted By: puffin Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/24/14 07:03 AM
Basically it depends whether he has to be tested before school. He will be nearly six when he starts so either he starts before testing or you use the WPPSI and retest later if you think he hit the ceilings.
Posted By: Quantum2003 Re: WPPSI III and math/reading ability - 01/24/14 08:59 PM
If you think there will be a ceiling issue, you can have him tested on the WISC before his 6th birthday. The only problem is that he will be treated as 6 year and 0 months old, so you would assume some underestimation of his IQ.
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