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Posted By: slnews2 CogAT correlation to KBIT? - 12/04/13 07:13 AM

Is there any correlation between the CogAT and KBIT? We received DDs CogAT scores and they are significantly lower than her previously taken KBIT. Wondering if it is worth inquiring about discrepancy and getting further testing.

Thank you.
Posted By: epoh Re: CogAT correlation to KBIT? - 12/04/13 02:24 PM
I would certainly trust the Kaufman test over the CogAT. But both are just quick screener tests. If you want to really know what's going on you need a real, full test.
Posted By: slnews2 Re: CogAT correlation to KBIT? - 12/05/13 07:00 AM
Thank you. Given the discrepancy, we will proceed with the real, full test.
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