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On my phone so I apologize for trying to shorten this and typos.

DS7 in first grade. Very smart, tests on 4th grade level reading and math on MAP tests. So very bored in class, acting out in class and is now being moved to special programs (for kids with behavior issues).

Gets very frustrated with other kids not being at his level. Has migraines and is affected by the light and sounds. Can't Stan repetitive noises or people tapping him over and over. Doesn't like bear hugs, to the point of sobbing after maybe 5-10 seconds, hates it is an understatement. Was on corgard for migraines, thought that was causing behavior issues, stopped meds, for three weeks he was almost an angel. Then yesterday he got in trouble and today was so bad we were told he will start special programs next week. Biggest problem here is I will likely have to quit my job. Everything is always someone else's fault.

I want testing, school isn't helping. Can someone tell me what testing they would suggest? He's taken the cogat but we won't get results for another month. No GT class yet, hoping for it in 2nd grade. Seeing a play therapist once a week now.

Help?!?!?! I'm at my wits end with him.
Just wanted to give you HUGS. It sounds like you need a full evaluation. I would look for a psychologist familiar with gifted kids. It sounds like the behavior problems could be steaming from being bored. My DD reacts horribly when bored. If he is working 3 grade levels above, then sitting there can be very hard. I hope others have more advice. Good luck.
Your previous post
says you are in Texas. It seems there have been a few threads here about Texas, in particular, being actively hostile to non-average kids.
Laura (( HUGS))) .. hope you get some answers here. I wish I could help you more!
That is awful! I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through! What about making the trip to a gifted specialist for testing? Someone may know what options are closest, or have specific suggestions. I know some people will and a trip to Denver to go to the Gifted Development Center.
Thank you for the advice so far. Keep it coming please smile

Yes, I posted in the past about my older son, the younger one tests even higher than the older one did at this age. I never did get the school to do anything for the older son, he's finishing fourth grade now and is checked out many days.
LauraJane, welcome.

--as MON said, let them know that you need to meet with them. I'd also use the words "change of placement," as in, "We do not think a change of placement is appropriate at this time." I believe that in most cases they can't unilaterally move him-- you are part of the team that would make any decision of this kind, together.

--see if you can find an educational advocate in your area. You need someone who can quickly get you up to speed on your child's rights, but this need not be a lawyer. Our educational advocate comes to meetings with us and does wonders in getting things done cooperatively. Your state may have a Civil Rights Office that will provide this service for free, or you may have to pay-- but it is likely to be worth it.

--have you requested testing in writing? If your DS needs accommodations or services at school, they have to do an evaluation if you request one. You may want to look at the website or the Wrightslaw book, From Emotions to Advocacy, for details on how to do this.

--start looking into testing by a neuropsychologist, as well as a workup by a developmental behavioral pediatrician, apart from anything the school is doing. The developmental pediatrician would look for medical causes of behavioral issues and perhaps give you a better handle on medicating the migraines; the former would do a complete round of educational testing to figure out what the strengths and weaknesses are, and how to give the child an appropriate education. I wouldn't rely on the school to get this diagnostic information right; doing it privately is better.

Because it's a medical and behavioral health issue, you are likely to be able to get this stuff covered by insurance--call insurance first to figure out what they will do. If they won't cover it, there may be state or county funding for evaluations to determine whether there's a disability.

Hang in there.
I have migraines, which developed in adulthood. I feel terrible for any child who must cope with them. They can be absolutely debilitating, and frankly he should be allowed to come home from school. I'm no expert, but he probably needs a medical plan (504?) to handle that because it really can be a very serious problem. I would freak out on people too if I were a young child trying to cope with that in a school environment.

Other than that, the bear hugs issues makes me think of sensory processing disorder. Are you familiar with that?
Originally Posted by 22B
Your previous post
says you are in Texas. It seems there have been a few threads here about Texas, in particular, being actively hostile to non-average kids.


I am from Texas, too. Being in 2 districts at central Texas (Austin area).

Texas has mandated Gifted program but some districts do more than the others. Many districts has nomination form for Gifted testing. Most of the time, the teacher will initiate and nominate the kids but sometimes, the parents has to get the ball rolling. Most of them do group testing like OLSAT or individual Naglieri (NNAT).

But I think your DS needs full neuropsych evaluation. Most of the times, the insurance will cover some of it. They will not cover individual gifted testing like WISC IV.

My DD11 is having headache and migraine for the last 3 months and we are making an appointment with the neuropsych as well.
I don't have the expertise to help but I hope your DS gets some relief and you get some answers...
I agree with what some of the others have said. If you haven't already done so, you need to ask for a meeting and make a formal request for testing.

If there is enough of an issue that they want to move your child to a special program then you would think the school would want an official plan in place whether that be a SIP (school improvement plan), 504, or whatever your school district uses. matter what plan they use you have a right to be part of that plan!!!!!
Originally Posted by DeeDee
LauraJane, welcome.

--as MON said, let them know that you need to meet with them. I'd also use the words "change of placement," as in, "We do not think a change of placement is appropriate at this time." I believe that in most cases they can't unilaterally move him-- you are part of the team that would make any decision of this kind, together.

--see if you can find an educational advocate in your area. You need someone who can quickly get you up to speed on your child's rights, but this need not be a lawyer. Our educational advocate comes to meetings with us and does wonders in getting things done cooperatively. Your state may have a Civil Rights Office that will provide this service for free, or you may have to pay-- but it is likely to be worth it.

--have you requested testing in writing? If your DS needs accommodations or services at school, they have to do an evaluation if you request one. You may want to look at the website or the Wrightslaw book, From Emotions to Advocacy, for details on how to do this.

--start looking into testing by a neuropsychologist, as well as a workup by a developmental behavioral pediatrician, apart from anything the school is doing. The developmental pediatrician would look for medical causes of behavioral issues and perhaps give you a better handle on medicating the migraines; the former would do a complete round of educational testing to figure out what the strengths and weaknesses are, and how to give the child an appropriate education. I wouldn't rely on the school to get this diagnostic information right; doing it privately is better.

Because it's a medical and behavioral health issue, you are likely to be able to get this stuff covered by insurance--call insurance first to figure out what they will do. If they won't cover it, there may be state or county funding for evaluations to determine whether there's a disability.

Hang in there.

I agree with all of these things...I think with the addition of the migraines is what moves this into a significantly medical issue. The schools can evaluate kids psychoeducationally but they do not have the means to add in the migraine issues which are medical. A private neuropsychologist could really help in this area.
good luck on Monday!
Update: after a long talk with the principal over the phone on Thursday morning he said "I think I will go get him and put in a second grade class today". Guess what? Two days in second grade and he was perfectly fine. I talked to the teacher and she told me he did a meth sheet with the class and was the only one to get 100%. She went ahead and gave him the spelling test, 15 words review from the past six weeks, she thinks he missed two words (words like crocodile).

So, I called a private tester and she will do IQ and achievement testing. Then either help get him moved up to third grade next year or get him an individualized plan if he's in second grade next year.
that is GREAT!
Only took me all school year, LOL!
That is awesome!
That is wonderful news!!!!
Met with the principal today. They will do the placement test hopefully starting this week. The principal will administer the math/science first. If he only passes that part at 90% and not reading/writing then he will let him go to third grade next year for math. Thankfully they are listening and helping.
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