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Posted By: leahchris WISC-III vs WISC-IV scores - 02/25/13 05:28 PM
Hi all. It has been a while since I posted. Raising a DGS7 with Asperger's, SID, depression and anxiety has taken a lot of time the last few months.

My main question is: should there be a full standard deviation difference in FSIQ scores on the WISC-III and WISC-IV taken only a year apart? The WISC-IV examiner noted is the report that DGS's "unique set of thinking and reasoning abilities" made his overall functioning hard to summarize.


All the research I have seen predicts on about a .5 SD difference in the scores.

I haven't been all that concerned about it, as he was progressing nicely in school. Now, we are back to severe school anxiety and he has been sent to the "ISI" room at least once a week to calm down. I don't even know where to go with his IEP at this point. First grade shouldn't be this hard for a child!

Posted By: CCN Re: WISC-III vs WISC-IV scores - 02/25/13 06:23 PM
That's interesting. I don't know anything about the differences between the two tests, but that seems like a big change in score. My gut reaction (having a daughter with anxiety) is that your DGS7's anxiety has increased as he's aged and it's interfered with the score.

(Worth noting is that our pediatrician strongly advised against testing DDthen8 because of her anxiety - the ped said it would interfere).
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