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Posted By: W'sMama Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/14/12 12:28 AM
Just wondering....

Posted By: deacongirl Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/14/12 01:55 AM
Not yet...sigh. Dd12 is happy and doing well with the skip so I don't feel the urgency, although I need to just go ahead and do it. Good luck to those who are applying!
Posted By: bronalex Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/14/12 02:55 AM
Yes, I applied for my DS 6 (almost 7) this month. I'm really hoping he makes it because I could really use the personal advice on all sorts of issues including where he should go to school next year. At least we'll hear something by the end of the month so the wait isn't too bad. I'm nervous because his WJ-III score just barely made the cutoff. His low processing speed meant that the WISC-IV scores were not qualifying. Hoping his portfolio is convincing. He is in first grade at Montessori and they basically have him doing 3rd grade work for most subjects.
Posted By: TheMamaLisa Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/18/12 03:16 AM
I have thought about applying but my son is only 7 and I don't really know what all to include as far as work. He did score a 153 on the WISC last May. Any advice would be appreciated.
Posted By: W'sMama Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/18/12 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheMamaLisa
I have thought about applying but my son is only 7 and I don't really know what all to include as far as work. He did score a 153 on the WISC last May. Any advice would be appreciated.

Iucounu keeps a list of successful portfolio items. I'll see if I can find a link for you.
Posted By: Johanna Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/21/12 03:35 PM
I am interested in the link too. Considering applying for DYS but our test scores won't be back until mid-January.
Originally Posted by Johanna
I am interested in the link too. Considering applying for DYS but our test scores won't be back until mid-January.

Try here:
Posted By: W'sMama Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/21/12 06:00 PM
Found it:

The links at the bottom mostly go to threads here that discuss portfolios. I've noticed these threads were a lot more common 3-4 years ago. Also you should have some luck putting this search into Google: site: portfolio

We got an email from Davidson yesterday that asked for more porfolio samples that show DD working 2-3 grade levels ahead. (Really glad they didn't ask for more testing b/c of the $$$.) A lot of what we sent in already was from when she was pretty young. (A video of her spelling her name aloud as a toddler, a paper where she'd written her name at 2, also a drawing from that age.)

They gave some specific recommendations of what to include:

*video of her working through above-level math worksheet... "With only answers, it’s difficult for the committee to evaluate the depth of knowledge and thought process which would be shown in a video."
*video of her talking about a couple of specific interests we mentioned in her application
*any projects (writing, drawings, presentations) that she may have created based on those interests

Well, she hasn't yet done any projects really. She'll do drawings and write a bit on them but I can only think of maybe two that she's already done. I replied to see if it's okay if we *ask* her to make some kind project based on her interest. We will definitely try getting a video of her talking as well.

DD is not a "people-pleaser" so I'm not super hopeful that she'll make anything or talk about anything just because I ask her to. Maybe she'll surprise me. I think right now we have about zero videos of her talking from age 2.5 on. Lots of her doing flips and crazy jumping around, and some of her jabbering in baby talk (despite speaking very clearly and sounding very adult by 2. What is with the baby talk people?!! My mom said I did that all.the.time. when I was little so she just laughs.)
Posted By: bronalex Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/24/12 03:08 AM
Well, my son was rejected. I'm honestly surprised. They said the portfolio didn't demonstrate the ability they want to see, but no specifics even after I asked for them. How can a child who is basically skipped 2 grades, drawing maps of Pangea and doing division in first grade not accepted? Although he qualified with a broad math score of 152 on the WJIII, his IQ scores were affected by his slow processing speed (they were done at the same time so I had to send the whole report). That probably affected the decision.

I also included some things from when he was younger like a video of him reading states names on the TV when he was 2 along with current stuff. Didn't ask for more info - just a no.

I'm disappointed because we could really use the family consultant. I don't know if we'll apply again. Maybe if we retest him someday. Oh well, life goes on.
Posted By: polarbear Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/24/12 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by bronalex
his IQ scores were affected by his slow processing speed (they were done at the same time so I had to send the whole report). That probably affected the decision.

Was his GAI above the cut-off level?

I'm just curious - I thought they would consider GAI in place of Full Scale IQ.

Posted By: bronalex Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/24/12 03:09 PM
No, his GAI was not above the cut off. I didn't even want to send those scores but they were all in the same report.

Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by bronalex
his IQ scores were affected by his slow processing speed (they were done at the same time so I had to send the whole report). That probably affected the decision.

Was his GAI above the cut-off level?

I'm just curious - I thought they would consider GAI in place of Full Scale IQ.

Posted By: gabalyn Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/24/12 03:55 PM
I'm sorry you got bad news. Your son sounds very bright. I looked back at your previous posts and it looks as though his WISC scores may have been affected by 2e issues. Perhaps you will have a chance to retest at some point.
Posted By: W'sMama Re: Did anybody apply to DYS this month? - 12/24/12 06:13 PM
bronalex, I'm sorry to hear it. I've found a lot of great resources already through the Davidson website- articles and book suggestions. Hopefully some of that will be helpful in advocating for your son.
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