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Hello there, this is my first time posting smile
I am concerned about my dd having processing speed issues, and wanted to get her evaluated. Can anyone recommend a psychologist that deals with gifted children in the Central Florida area? We're a little north of Orlando.
I have checked the Hoagies list for Florida, but there's only 4 and none of the ones that do testing is near me.

Sorry I don't know of any Central Florida testers.

What are you seeing that makes you think 'slow processing speed?'
Are there local testers who could administer WISC and Achievement testing?

Does it matter if the subject matter is auditory or visual?

Thanks for the response Grinity smile
She takes a long time to do things. For example, she does not finish the work assigned in class in the time allotted, some of it I think is because she tends to be a little perfectionist, but she gets frustrated when she's lagging behind her class, and then she needs to catch up at home. This doesn't happen always, but enough times that it makes me wonder.
Also, her teacher took assessments at the beginning of the year to figure out where all the kids where in math and reading (these were computer tests). She took 3 times as long as the "average" time to finish it, it was so long the teacher had to split it for her into sessions.
She has been screened for gifted, but she missed it by a few points, even though one of the teachers tells me she shows characteristics of gifted kids.
She's always been like this, though... always taking longer than other kids to finish up, even in her pre-k class.
We're lucky that she goes to a gifted school and the teachers work with us (she's also doing advanced work), but I want to find out if there's an LD so we can help now and not wait until she hits middle school and is overwhelmed.
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