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Posted By: mnmom23 17 to go to College? - 10/10/11 12:01 AM
Another poster mentioned in another thread (that I didn't want to hijack) that a college she was looking into has a rule (perhaps not always held to) that says a student must be 17 by the day that he or she starts freshman classes. My DD10 is on schedule to graduate when she is 16 and will turn 17 at the beginning of September of the year she is planning to start college. Is the 17-to-start-classes thing common among universities for normal enrollment (not early college programs) and something that she will need to come up as she applies for college?

BTW: I realize she has several years for this to even matter. Just looking ahead! smile
Posted By: AlexsMom Re: 17 to go to College? - 10/10/11 02:05 AM
I applied to college at a time when I would have been entering as a 16yo, turning 17 at the end of September. I was accepted everywhere but my first choice, and wait-listed there - and that was with the plan that I'd go to college after my junior year of high school, without a diploma.

Things have likely changed in the intervening years, but 20 years ago, entry at 16 was no big deal.
Posted By: MomOf1Gifted Re: 17 to go to College? - 10/10/11 03:01 AM
I turned 17 before start and had no problems but that was years ago.

I thought the rule of thumb was before age 16 was considered early entry. But who knows what the rules will be in even 5 years from now given all the changes going on right now...
Posted By: Cawdor Re: 17 to go to College? - 10/25/11 04:53 PM
I am not looking forward to this with my oldest. His expected high school graduation age will be 13. No clue what i am going to do .... 6 years to plan though
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