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Posted By: Bug-House CTY Grand Ceremony - 09/03/11 12:41 AM
Wondering if anyone has ever attended this event? We'll have to travel to attend and are trying to decide if we should go or not.

Any advice will be most appreciated - thank you!
Posted By: AntsyPants Re: CTY Grand Ceremony - 09/03/11 02:58 AM
do you get an invite? DS got high honors on both parts then just got a certificate in the mail and never heard about it again.

From what I've heard about it I would go if it was nearby (within an hour) but i wouldn't travel for it.
Posted By: Bug-House Re: CTY Grand Ceremony - 09/03/11 04:56 AM
Yes, they send invitations. We didn't get one yet, but they said one would be sent. I think they said it would arrive later this Fall. My son didn't test through CTY. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.
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