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Posted By: amylou George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/19/11 03:23 PM
My dd is an avid reader and *way* into fantasy. We have recently come across the "Game of Thrones" series, and I am wondering if anyone here has read it? The length of the books would be no problem for her, but we're wondering about whether there are any red flags we should be aware of regarding the content for this age level.

She just read "Ice Dragon," a kids' book by the same author, and is interested in more by him.

Posted By: DeHe Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/19/11 11:26 PM
Hi amylou
I haven't read ice dragon but the game of thrones series might be a little too adult. There is a lot of sex, violence, and just all around lousy behavior. Plus, Martin irritatingly kills off many of the favorite characters to a maddening degree. I am currently torn about the new book, I want to kow what is going on but I am so annoyed that it took so long I don't want to buy it!

My view, it's for high school at the earliest, but if she has read other stuff with Intense violence and sex, it is pretty good.

Posted By: AlexsMom Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 12:45 AM
What DeHe said. Sex, consensual and otherwise. Graphic violence, both justified and gratuitous. Lots of drinking (although I don't think the small amount of drug use would register as drug use to an 11yo).

I've read the new book. A bunch of my favorite characters got killed off, and I still don't know what happens in the end. He'd better not die before he finishes this series.
Posted By: knute974 Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 01:10 AM
I wouldn't let my DD11 read it. In addition to what others have mentioned, it also includes incestuous relationships. As others have mentioned, it seems like all of the likeable characters are slaughtered. It has bash you over-the-head foreshadowing that led me to believe that the pattern would continue. I had no desire to read past the first one.
Posted By: DeHe Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by knute974
I It has bash you over-the-head foreshadowing that led me to believe that the pattern would continue. I had no desire to read past the first one.

I wish I had stopped, it was sort of like wiatching a car accident where you couldn't look away, but really wanted to. And then the whole not finishing the series drives me insane. I am a huge Melanie Rawn fan (better set of books for dd11 - amylou) but then the last trilogy hasn't been finished so you are just left at book two -- aargh!

Posted By: AlexsMom Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 03:46 AM
I had that same problem with Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. The first book was good, the last 2-3 in the series were *awful*, and the ones in the middle were just barely good enough that I didn't walk away.

A Dance with Dragons is better than A Feast for Crows, which was a slog.
Posted By: islandofapples Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by AlexsMom
What DeHe said. Sex, consensual and otherwise. Graphic violence, both justified and gratuitous. Lots of drinking (although I don't think the small amount of drug use would register as drug use to an 11yo).

I've read the new book. A bunch of my favorite characters got killed off, and I still don't know what happens in the end. He'd better not die before he finishes this series.
Kinda like Robert Jordan? cry

Ugh, why do I get "spam"?

K.i.n.d.a. l.i.k.e. R.o.b.e.r.t J.o.r.d.a.n ?
Posted By: amylou Re: George Martin books for 11 yo? - 08/20/11 01:40 PM
Thanks all for the input. This is just what I was concerned about - I think we'll wait on that series.
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