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Posted By: frannieandejsmom advise please - 05/26/11 06:48 PM
I had a meeting with the principal for ds5. He said we would math accelerate ds5 into grade 1 math. No problem there. Just now I got a call... from another school in our district which offers Chinese immersion (this is the first year in our district for this program). Ds was on the waiting list and has been accepted into the program. I am waiting to see if they will accommodate the math acceleration or not before I do make that final decion.

pros... a much needed challenge; this school also houses the districts magnet program (starts in grade 3); 90/90 school (90% of students score 90% or higher on state testing)

cons... 2 kids 2 different schools; no bus transportation is guaranteed; if he qualifies for magnet a decision will have to be made whether to do that or immersion as they cant do both; no kids from our neighborhood currently go to this school


Posted By: Grinity Re: advise please - 05/26/11 07:30 PM
Could your DD go to the school too?

Does sound tasty!
Posted By: frannieandejsmom Re: advise please - 05/26/11 07:38 PM
I dont think next year she could as she is in a multi grade classroom right now. She wold have to wait till third grade. As a sibling she should get in (if there is space). But maybe she would qualify for the magnet.. although she bombed the CogAT this year and she needs high scores in that to get the wisc test needed for the magnet..

Posted By: Grinity Re: advise please - 05/26/11 10:55 PM
Bonbing the CoGat is no indication that she won't do very well on the WISC. Will the magnet school do a WISC for her.
Also I don't understand what being in a multi grade room has to do with not being able to transfer.
Posted By: frannieandejsmom Re: advise please - 05/26/11 11:01 PM
both schools are multi grade.. but not on the same AB schedule.. Frans school is on a and the other is on year b. She would get the same social studies and science 2 years in a row and miss the other year.
Posted By: frannieandejsmom Re: advise please - 05/27/11 02:45 PM
decision made... going to stay with the local school. I dont want to have to choose come third grade between the magnet program and chinese immersion as they cant do both. I dont want to basically waste 3 years.
Posted By: Grinity Re: advise please - 05/31/11 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by frannieandejsmom
I dont want to have to choose come third grade between the magnet program and chinese immersion as they cant do both. I dont want to basically waste 3 years.
Congrats on making a decision - hard to do so quickly! Good luck with the magnet program when the time comes!
Posted By: frannieandejsmom Re: advise please - 05/31/11 09:20 PM
something I never mentioned.. he would be with the same group of kids for 6 years..8 if he continued thru jr high. There would be only one class per year... they would be integrated with an english speaking class for recess lunch and field trips.
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