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Posted By: Belle Patricia Gatto-Walden - 11/23/10 01:57 AM
I am very curious if there is anyone on this board who has had experience either hearing Patricia Gatto-Walden speak at a conference/meeting or who might have used her for counseling. She is supposed to be a well known pychologist who works mainly with gifted individuals. We have been discussing doing an intensive therapy period with her to help our family figure out how to be best meet the needs of each of us while meeting the needs of our gifted DS7. Thanks for any info!
Posted By: deacongirl Re: Patricia Gatto-Walden - 11/23/10 03:44 AM
My impression is that it would be money very well spent. Unfortunately I have not figured out how to come up with the $--but based on my research and the opinion of an educator I respect who speaks very highly of her I need to do it asap!
Posted By: knute974 Re: Patricia Gatto-Walden - 01/26/11 09:16 PM
did either of you ever meet with her? did you have a good experience? she was recommended to me by school staff. I saw her once as a speaker and found her disorganization to be distracting. I was wondering how she is in a counseling setting.
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