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Posted By: lulu light-weight quality puzzle books - 05/13/10 10:20 PM
I'm talking literally here. We're traveling a lot this summer, including taking planes, and I'm looking for 4th/5th/6th Grade thinking/puzzle books that will be really engaging and fun, but also easy to carry. Any suggestions appreciated.
Posted By: minniemarx Re: light-weight quality puzzle books - 05/13/10 10:42 PM
Dover has lots of fun ones, lulu, and generally speaking, their books are fairly lightweight, as the paper used is not coffee-table book quality. Also, they're cheap, which is good, too!

Have a terrific trip!

Posted By: onthegomom Re: light-weight quality puzzle books - 05/14/10 12:02 AM
Posted By: shellymos Re: light-weight quality puzzle books - 05/14/10 12:39 AM
I second the mindware books. We have codebreakers, logic links (though not good for trips because of small pieces for books) and my DS's favorite is the extreme dot to dot books with like 1500 dots per picture. Those keep him quite engaged and busy and are all quite thin too. They have lots of other ones that look good.
Posted By: lulu Re: light-weight quality puzzle books - 05/15/10 11:27 AM
Thanks very much. These look great:-)
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