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My 3 year old has been interjecting silly lyrics into songs she knows for quite a while, but lately we have been treated to a real bout of new-made songs about everything from how much she loves the christmas tree, to how much she loves mommy and daddy and ds and the dog (my personal fave). Oh, she sang one the other day about her christmas pants (penguins in the snow). I would love to hear about other songs kids are making up! They are just too funny! laugh
They are lovely, aren't they.

We often get 'stream of consciousness' songs while our DD3 is doing craft. She often uses familiar tunes (like Farmer in the Dell or a Wiggles song) but comes up with different lyrics. If she's concentrating a little more, she'll make them rhyme which is always a treat. smile
I regret not recording all the little songs DD use to sing. To put these in a note book and have the child do some drawings would be wonderful. What a great way to encourage creative writing too.
My DD3 sings all day long and makes up her own songs, changes words in songs she knows, adds and subtracts lyrics. I wouldn't know where to begin since she sings so much so often. I feel really bad saying that there are times that it drives me crazy because between her talking and singing there is little quiet time all day :-)
I love your name.

My DD6 is very talkative too. It wonderful but hard too sometimes.

My son doesn't make his own lyrics up that often, but there were times when he wanted to know the exact lyrics to a song he had heard (Magic School Bus theme song comes to mind), and because he was a very early reader, we would look the lyrics up on the internet and print them out for him. As a result, I have videos of a three year old walking around the house, singing at the top of his lungs from a song sheet like a little choir boy. They're hilarious.
(Covering her eyes with her hands):

I can't see
I can't see
I can't see

LOL. She sings all day long, and typically makes up her own tunes and lyrics. We live inside a musical. grin
that funny! My ds use to write down words to songs. He would just keep pushing review until he got it. Just another one of his many projects. He's fun. Thanks for the flash back. I love this place for that. He still sings at the top of his lungs. I love that.
Lately DS (almost 2.5) is into singing little familiar songs with a surprise 'joke' ending. His current favourite is from an episode of 'Word World', where a character sings "Twinkle twinkle little ants, I have purple underpants" - except DS will insert a dramatic pause at the end, lift up one foot and sing "under.....FEET!" instead of underpants, and then laugh his head off. He's all about subverting language and making up words lately, it's kind of like a one-man game of Broken Telephone half the time.
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