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Posted By: Nautigal What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 02:12 AM
He won a bicycle at school today! They had a summer reading promotion where you got an entry for every book (or chapter of bigger books) read during the summer, and the drawing was today. (I didn't count the list that I compiled for him last night, but he said he had 98 tickets in the drawing--it might have been a slight case of overkill?) There were three bicycles for different things in the promotion, and his was the first name drawn! It is a really nice Mongoose BMX bike that is a tad on the large side for him, but he is so proud and happy and refuses to turn loose of it!

It's even better that his birthday is Sunday--it's like another big present!
Posted By: minniemarx Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 02:17 AM
Well, yay! I hope he has a super, terrific, wonderful time riding it around!!

And hope too, that Sunday is the greatest birthday ever!

Posted By: Belle Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 02:57 AM
How awesome is that! :-)
Posted By: onthegomom Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 03:07 AM
How fun. What a wonderful prize!
Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 03:08 AM
Talk about a reward! I really hope the program encourages the kids to read, because the greatest reward is the worlds they are introduced to through reading. I really wish we could post pictures on this board because I am sure you have a priceless one of your DS and his new bike.
Posted By: spook Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 07:31 AM
Wow I'll have to suggest that one to our school, what an awesome way to encourage children to read. I bet 98 tickets increased the odds - good on him...
Posted By: Grinity Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 12:15 PM
Wow that is amazing. And I love that your school credited chapters of longer books. Our school tends to reward # of books, which penalizes the kids who tackle the big books. Go Summer Reading!
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 01:45 PM
Nautigal, that's awesome! Yay for your DS. And a happy birthday to him tomorrow too.
Posted By: OHGrandma Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 02:07 PM
Our public library ran a similar program this summer, same prize - a bike. The kids were allowed to fill in their sheet for each book, or each hour they read. So, the Eragon series filled up a few sheets here! GS10 didn't win, but that's OK because I got him a bike for his birthday which was right before the drawing.
Posted By: Kriston Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/05/09 03:14 PM
Yay! smile
Posted By: m2gts Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/06/09 03:28 AM
That's great!
Posted By: crisc Re: What a great day for my boy! - 09/07/09 11:07 PM
How exciting!
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