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Posted By: Nikki Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 03:45 AM
Hi there, I came across this website trying to find information on whether or not my daughter is gifted. She will be 2 in a month. She sings several songs by heart, knows the alphabet, can spell her name, knows her colors and how to count to 14. She has a fantastic memory and has conversations with us. My father is a genius, but wasn't sure if this is normal for her age because we have nothing to compare it to. She's at the point where she gets bored and I want to provide her with proper toys and stimulation for her needs. Not sure where to begin....
Posted By: no5no5 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 04:21 AM
Maybe. smile I recommend PBS for a timeline of normal development.

As for boredom, we manage mostly with books, art supplies, cardboard boxes, a few puzzles, some blocks. The rest sits in boxes, largely unused. So I wouldn't worry about toys. Just play with her and let her explore.
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 12:11 PM
Hi, welcome! Sounds like she is ahead of the normal development curve, especially interesting is the 'knows the alphabet' part you mention, but that in itself can mean a lot of different things.
I would also recommend reading at Hoagie's Gifted it a really great place to start and continue reading up about giftedness. Until a child is old enough to need testing for educational or other decisions, you might not be able to come to a definite conclusion, and that's ok. If she seems to need more stimulation, information, answers to questions the recommended advice is to follow the child's lead and you will be doing right by them. Good luck!
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 08:01 PM
Thanks for the advice! It's not like I sit down and "work" with her to learn letters etc. She just has such an amazing memory. The other day I made a point to have her name whatever letter I wrote and she named every one (I listed them in random order) I always assumed I'd homeschool her once she was old enough, but if she continues to learn so quickly, I wouldn't know at what age to start.
Posted By: no5no5 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Nikki
I always assumed I'd homeschool her once she was old enough, but if she continues to learn so quickly, I wouldn't know at what age to start.

In my opinion, gifted preschoolers don't need any less of a childhood than ND preschoolers. After all, you're not teaching her now and she's learning anyway. smile So I wouldn't recommend starting early if you're going to be homeschooling anyway.
Posted By: Kriston Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 09:30 PM
Follow her lead.

If she's deeply interested in something particular--say bugs--do what comes naturally as a parent. Expose her to info about bugs through the library, your local park system, a butterfly show at a conservatory, the zoo, etc. Play in the yard and look at bugs. Watch TV shows together about bugs. If she asks questions about bugs, do your best to find the answers. Draw bugs. Pretend to be bugs. Make bug crafts. Whatever she likes, do that.

All of that is fun and it's coming from the child. It's not "sit down and learn" time.

When she's interested in something new, go with that. Don't keep on about bugs (or whatever) when she's done with the topic. Move on when she does. (Usually this happens right after you spent a bundle on bug-related birthday presents, BTW. LOL!)

Other GT kids have more general interests, wanting to learn a little about everything. But the same rules apply: follow her lead and give her what she asks for. Quit when she's done.

In my experience FWIW, homeschooling isn't something that most parents of GT kids "start," per se. It's just part of what you do because its what GT kids require, just like they require food and water. Even GT kids in a bricks and mortar school are frequently afterschooled because their parents are meeting their needs.

I'd say that your telling her the letters is homeschooling, but we don't usually call it that at age 2 because it's just good parenting. Your child wants to learn, and you're teaching. It's child-led, so it's the most natural thing in the world for both of you. That's ideal! smile
Posted By: Katelyn'sM om Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/12/09 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by no5no5
Originally Posted by Nikki
I always assumed I'd homeschool her once she was old enough, but if she continues to learn so quickly, I wouldn't know at what age to start.

In my opinion, gifted preschoolers don't need any less of a childhood than ND preschoolers. After all, you're not teaching her now and she's learning anyway. smile So I wouldn't recommend starting early if you're going to be homeschooling anyway.

Well put No5no5 and I totally agree. I guess it really is about the approach to it all.
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 03:15 AM
That makes perfect sense! I think I just need to relax regarding meeting her needs. I have a 4 month old as well and feel like I'm not providing enough stimulation or activities for her because I'm so busy with the baby right now. She doesn't get much interaction with children her age either. Just today I took her to church to visit the nursery. From what I saw in each "nursery" or sunday school class for ages 1 to 3, it seems she's cognitively at the same level as a 3yr old, but the nursery at our church separates children by ages, so she ends up chatting away to children who give her blank stares or aren't really paying attention to what she's saying. Do you find that gifted children have a harder time making friends their age?
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 03:29 AM
lol you reminded me of when my oldest was 2yrs old i took her to a church child care w/ only other 2yr olds during a moms group and the first time i picked her up they said "she is really good with glue and crafts" i said "oh really iv never given her glue before" the second time she got more comfortable and started talking to the workers and when i picked her up they said "are you sure shes a 2yr old???" lolol i was like "uuhh yea...." like i wouldnt know how old my own kid was?? lol
anyways my oldest didnt make friends well she was shy and never knew how to relate well to other children its better now at 4yrs old because the other kids are getting to be more verbal and talk on a higher level but she still acts a bit odd with other kids at first
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 03:53 AM
It's funny you say that. Today I was playing "ring around the rosey" with my daughter and we were trying to get the other kids in the nursery to learn how to hold hands, walk in a circle and sing the song. All she wanted to do was hug me after the song was done. She did share her crackers when I asked her to with the other kids, but she was clearly uncomfortable! Is your oldest the only child considered "gifted" or have you found that your other children are gifted as well?
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 03:58 AM
i have 3 kids oldest daughter is 4 1/2 my son will be 3yrs in sept. and my youngest is 8mo. old they all seem to be gifted but im not sure to what degree each child is gifted they are all 3 very different

Edit:: i wanted to add my son is my daughters oppisite he isnt shy at all and loves people and relates to them very well however he has had a lot of interaction with his older sister his down fall isnt shyness but his HUGE imagination which causes him to be afraid of many things if he hears a noise outside he will tell you its a monster comeing to get him or one time he said the noise from the dishwasher was a man in the kitchen and was terrified
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 04:05 AM
My 4 month old is already showing signs of being gifted as well, which gets me excited because she's only 19months younger than her sister and they'll hopefully be very close as they grow up. Do you have any suggestions/favorites regarding toys,books or activities for gifted toddlers?
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 04:14 AM
Wow, my daughter says things like your son does as well! The other day she refused to go in the front room because she was scared of the "piggy" in there! She runs to me every time she hears the front door open even when I tell her it's daddy. Any noise out of the ordinary she will ask "what was THAT!" She's only seen sesame street, so it's not like she's exposed to anything scary at all. But even today we were outside and I noticed a couple hornets in the grass in the corner of our yard and mentioned to DH that I don't want Olivia walking barefoot in the grass. About 5 min. later she was mad because her shoe fell off and I told her it's okay to take them off. She said "I scared of the bees mommy" I didn't realize just how well she listens to me!
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 04:23 AM
my oldest two are 19mo. apart when they were little they fought a lot till the younger one got old enough to play without destroying his sisters buildings and such then they got along great and now they are best friends it helps a lot!

hhhmmm... as far as activities...
Crafts are great if your child is in to them (my oldest loves to create and is like a mini inventor)playdough, crayons, child safe scissors, all help build a childs fine motor skills early which will make it easyer for her to trace and print letters eventually

anything they can build with is fantastic mega blocks, wooden blocks exe.

we LOVE our magnadoodle it has lasted 3 1/2years and is used almost daily exspecialy in the car its mess free drawing they can do anywhere my daughter has been learning to spell on it lately

reading of course is always great if it keeps their attention and they like it!

keep them active walks parks.. or just running around the living room to music and dancing

DONT buy a ton of electronic light up flashy baby toys my kids NEVER touch them not even the baby plays with them (well except this one she plays with Sing and discover piano plays music and my 8mo. old loves it)they all just take up space

also make sure they are involved in things with other children outside the home so they do hopefully learn how to relate to others its better to learn that skill early then late!
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 04:25 AM
lol yea i have to be carefull not to say things like "be carefull that dog might bite" because then he will be scared of dogs or whatever it is i say could be harmfull!
Posted By: Faithhopelove19 Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 04:34 AM
if you are interested in talking more i could always use someone nice to talk to who is dealing with the gifted/advanced stuff too i sent you my instant message screen name in your personal messages

i plan to homeschool also i myself was homeschooled for 6yrs from 3rd grade till 9th grade
Posted By: Nikki Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 01:53 PM
Great thanks!
Posted By: Floridama Re: Is my almost 2 year old gifted? - 07/13/09 05:50 PM
Do you find that gifted children have a harder time making friends their age?
My DS3 tends to boss around kids his age, and gets mad at them when they don't play like he thinks they should.
He also new his ABC's before 2, and was asking me about words and signs by 2.5. I think he picked most of that up from his big sister.
Is your oldest the only child considered "gifted" or have you found that your other children are gifted as well?
My DD7 is considered gifted and I am sure my DS3 is as well.
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