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Posted By: delbows Concern for Iranian Protestors and Citizens - 06/20/09 02:04 AM
My ds is extremely troubled over the presumed impending violence towards the Iranian protestors tomorrow. His fear is that it will be like the Tiananmen Square uprising and massacre or worse. We pray for their safety.
Twitter says they are arresting people at home. The worst stuff will go on behind closed doors like it has in Iran for the last 30 years.

It usually takes 3-5 days for "authorities" to get their nerve up. All the old farts have to get in a room and do the monkey dance and justify the killing as a "necessity." when all they are really doing is making the payments on their chalet in Chamonix.

Our prayers and wishes go out to all people struggling against political and economic tyranny and oppression wherever they may be. But the relevance of this to our 2E children's needs is.....?
Gifted children (and adults) often have heightened sensitivities and sense of empathy towards others. They also frequently worry about existential issues and have passionate opinions regarding perceived injustice.

This tendency is usually included on any lists of gifted characteristics.
delbows - I agree.

I channel my son's heightened concerns into charities and related things. We have an RSPB (Protection or Birds)which he is involved with, and work with old people and disabled people in the community through our local church and scouts. This tends to help alleviate some of the sensitivity in that he knows he can help make a difference and the world a better place in his own backyard. While not wishing to keep him ignorant, I try to limit his exposure to things that make me angry, which he picks up on and worries about. These are usually things I can only get angry about but unfortunately can do little about in any practical way.
I agree that volunteering is important in raising a more aware and ethical citizen.

My son has been interested in world affairs since 9/11, when he was still four. He insisted that he needed to follow the news, which primarily consisted (then) of watching network prime time with follow on questions to my husband and me.

Since he switched schools last fall, awareness of world issues (and volunteer work) is now mandatory.
delbows - my son was interested in 9/11 too I'm just not sure how healthy it is to know about these things at a young age. As a child I saw the pictures from Biafra and was really upset I remember. How could so many people starve in a world of plenty? There are big issues here, of equity and justice (and theolgy if you want to go there) and my viewpoint is probably/definitely skewed by my life experiences- do I want my son to have my political and social baggage? I don't know - tread carefully my friends.

Also ensure that your child knows that the real news is more than you see on TV - much more. i have long come to see TV News another branch of entertainment (cynically).

God bless us all in this awesome and bewildering job of guiding our little ones
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