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Posted By: Belle 39 clues book series? - 06/10/09 03:51 PM
Would love to hear any opinions about the book series....I have seen it at the book store and have always wondered if it the whole "thing" is any good...I know that there is a card series and online site. Thanks for any heads up about it?
Posted By: elh0706 Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/10/09 04:24 PM
We like them. I'm not saying they are anything spectacular but so far the series has been enjoyable and DS loves to do the cards and on-line activities.
Posted By: Belle Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/10/09 04:45 PM
Thanks for the little guy reads at a 5th grade level but does not seem to have a "love" of reading husband and I both usually have a book glued to our hands most nights but DS6 usually only reads for information and not usually for pleasure. We do chapter books at night and he has gotten into several different series but many of them aren't "exciting" enough for him..a friend had recommended the 39 Clues series because they said that they revolve around solving puzzles/clues - which my DS loves to do. So we thought maybe this might spark him? He has enjoyed books that I loved as a kid - How to Eat Fried Worms, The Phantom we have been trying to find something new for him that might catch his fancy :-)
Posted By: tory Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/11/09 11:45 PM
My DS7 loves the 39 clues series.

Another series he loved (it too was riddle/puzzle solving based) is Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda (in fact he's read all of her books/series and he just loved them).
Posted By: CAMom Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/12/09 11:44 PM
We've been reading it aloud as DS who is 6 doesn't have the attention span to read it on his own. He loves it and it's been one that as a whole family, we really like! We've skipped the cards and just read the books.

Posted By: chris1234 Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/13/09 02:18 AM
These sound good, thanks for posting!
Posted By: inky Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/13/09 02:26 AM
Sounds like something DD7 might like.
I put The Maze of Bones in our library queue along with Rowan of Rin.
Thanks for the summer reading ideas!
Posted By: Belle Re: 39 clues book series? - 06/13/09 03:31 AM
Well, we came home from the bookstore with book 1 of the series and my DS6 was fit to be tied with excitement....of course he got into the cards (couldn't hide them from him) and he started reading the first chapter and then logged onto the website and started working on the puzzles/clues hidden in the cards. The story does sound interesting, some of the vocab is a little over him but will be an interesting tool to teach him some new words. Whatever I can find that might spark that reading bug!
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