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Posted By: inky A Good Question - 04/14/09 01:24 AM
In addressing changes to our state assessments, our superintendent wrote about four guiding questions. I was pleased to see the fourth question was included. Hopefully there will be some good answers.

* What is it that we expect our students to learn?
* How will we know if they learned it?
* What will we do if they don�t learn it?
* What will we do if they already know it?
Posted By: Kriston Re: A Good Question - 04/14/09 01:25 AM
Oooh! That is a nice start, for sure. smile
Posted By: Mia Re: A Good Question - 04/14/09 01:55 AM
Ooh, that's a *great* start! That's phenomenal, that they're recognising the need for GT programming right along with remedial programming -- both are seen as important. Yay!
Posted By: kyle82 Re: A Good Question - 04/16/09 01:40 PM
we expect the students to learn enough of what we give them. it matters when we give the necessary and not just to be certain we did the job. we should always ask ourselves, have i taught sincerely?
Posted By: marieg Re: A Good Question - 04/18/09 09:55 PM
This is a terrific list:

* What is it that we expect our students to learn?
* How will we know if they learned it?
* What will we do if they don�t learn it?
* What will we do if they already know it?

I plan to change it thusly for my next meeting:

* What is it that you expect my child to learn?
* How will you know if she learned it?
* What will you do if she doesn�t learn it?
* What will you do if she already knows it?
Posted By: Ellipses Re: A Good Question - 04/20/09 11:19 AM
I love it. Are you in one of the states that is writing curriculum this way? Indiana is one of them and there are about 2 or 3 more.

I like the leveled schooling that some districts have gone to - no grade levels, just levels that they go to when complete.
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