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Posted By: ienjoysoup Tiger Woods or Wide World? - 03/18/09 01:39 PM
I have been having this argument in my head.... wow that sounds crazy, let me start over......... I been pondering this debate wink

Tiger Wood's dad saw that Tiger had a talent and passion for golf..... so he taped a golf club to the kids hand and pushed him..... now Tiger is the worlds greatest golfer. He is happy, has a nice family.... doesn't hurt for money. So is what Tigers dad did wrong? On face value to me , it sort of seems like it, but look at the outcome!

I got this kid.......... he loves computers and games...... wants to be a game designer. He smart as a whip.................. Do I "Tape" a computer to his hand? Or keep him on the "little bit of everything" brain diet?

I want my son to grow up to be happy and to have a career that he loves that will feed him and his future family- I don't want him to be economically challenged! (the way we are) Do I push the computers or keep reminding him there is a whole wide world and universe to explore?

I guess this is more theoretical ponderings and mommy self doubt......

Is it just me? Am I actually crazy and don't realize it, or do other people ponder this way?
Posted By: Kriston Re: Tiger Woods or Wide World? - 03/18/09 01:55 PM
How about both?

I mean, if he loves computers, go with that! But also make sure that he is a well-rounded human being.

I think there are a lot of hours in the day. It is possible to specialize some and generalize some--especially for an HG+ child who learns things much more easily than the average bear!
Posted By: ienjoysoup Re: Tiger Woods or Wide World? - 03/18/09 02:04 PM
this is DH answer too......... it seems like the most logical... know one knows what life is going to throw at him
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