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Posted By: st pauli girl Cute (?) kid story - 02/27/09 02:42 AM
Somehow, the discussion turned to how a boa constrictor kills its prey. DS5 asked, do they bite? I said, I think they squeeze the prey to death, and then eat them.

DS said, "Well, if something's going to eat me, I want to be dead first."

I thought it was funny, anyway!
Posted By: Dazed&Confuzed Re: Cute (?) kid story - 02/27/09 03:07 AM
Very cute! We actually just went to a show on snakes. I got to wear a 6ft???? boa constrictor around my neck for about 15-20min. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was so cold and he had the fattest part of his body against the naked skin of my neck, that by the time I was done holding him, I was shivering from the cold from him sucking the heat out of my body. He had wrapped himself all around me and was content as a newborn baby. Also my back was hurting as he was HHEEAAVVVYYYYY.

You are correct. Either it would squeeze you and prevent your lungs from filling with air or else it would squeeze your heart and prevent it from beating. Either way, you're pretty much done for.
Posted By: S-T Re: Cute (?) kid story - 02/27/09 03:17 AM
LOL! It makes sense to die first!
Posted By: JJsMom Re: Cute (?) kid story - 02/27/09 08:49 PM
I love it!
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