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This is interesting. Do you trust the SAT to IQ estimation site? Because according to those I'm at 150 when I thought I was at 144:

1450 [GRE]
146.92 [15 SD]
150.05 [16 SD]
99.912 [Percentage]
1440 [SAT]

Suddenly this makes sense. I think the more I focus on something -- especially when I'm forced to perform in an exam environment -- I do better. The 144 IQ was during a meeting at work maybe 20 years ago when I was bored and I was focusing a lot but not at full power. I've had 140's when trying for Colloquy but that was even less focused.
I would not put much trust in IQ scores obtained from online tests.

That said, the two scores you reported are only 6 points apart. For a professional assessment, the IQ score may be given as a range. There are various online resources which describe this, here is one:

The SAT has changed over the years, and I would not put a lot of trust in SAT-IQ correlation tables. There are various online resources which describe this, but fewer come up in my searches now than years ago.
Given what you have already said about your professional training and experiences, I assume you are familiar with the concepts of standard error and regression to the mean. Even if (and it's a big "if") the scores you've reported from online tests or attempts at concordance tables were valid measures, standard error of measurement (and the resulting confidence intervals), as well as regression to the mean, would suggest that these two estimates of IQ are essentially equivalent.
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