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Posted By: mom2R&R PARCC in first grade? - 04/22/16 03:06 AM
My DS6 is in first grade but was switched to 3rd grade math classroom for second semester. His report card should show him being graded on 3rd grade indicators etc. for math. He came home today with some "PARCC Review" papers and my first thought was, well that's a nice review, but he won't take the test. Then I started thinking about it, and since the math and language sections are completely separate, started wondering if he'll be given the PARCC as a first grader. I have a meeting with his teacher next week, but was just wondering if anyone had experience with this for other children doing single subject acceleration.
Posted By: syoblrig Re: PARCC in first grade? - 04/22/16 04:04 AM
My son is not in elementary school, but he is twice- accelerated in math. He had to do PARCC with his math group, not his grade.

But if I had a first grader, I would opt him out. IMO, PARCC is way too long and ridiculous for elementary school. I opted out my 4th grader, although my middle and high schoolers took it.
Posted By: mom2R&R Re: PARCC in first grade? - 04/22/16 05:55 PM
Thank you syobrig. I hadn't thought about opting out either. I'm not sure he could really sit through day after day of that long of a test.
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