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Posted By: Barbara A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 06:01 PM
DS8 and I went to a talk last night on "Local Amphibians and Reptiles" given by a herpetolgist at a local university.

I was so struck by the professor's willingness to be respectful and appreciative of DS's obvious knowledge and perception of the subject matter. (DS reads encyclopedias - we have a reptile reference book in the bathroom - but then, doesn't everyone???)

and, I guess, this is more a relief for me than for him because so many "adults in power" in his short life have dismissed him or thought he was just a mouthy kid, and I have ached so for him...

Also I had to recognize again that maybe just maybe DS really *does* have some abilities that might be considered unusual or advanced or whatever. What's that called, "GT denial"?

Anyhoo thought I'd post this as I think many of you can empathize.

Posted By: incogneato Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 07:45 PM
I was so struck by the professor's willingness to be respectful and appreciative of DS's obvious knowledge and perception of the subject matter

What a wonderful person.

I constantly seek out just these kinds of scenarios to balance out the more common experience of an adult underestimating them.

I do have a concern that some very advanced children are at risk of becoming disrespectful and/or distrustful of adults without exposure to the former. IMHO.
Posted By: Grinity Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by incogneato
I do have a concern that some very advanced children are at risk of becoming disrespectful and/or distrustful of adults without exposure to the former. IMHO.

And they are often raised by generations of cynical gifted parents and grandparents, who got that way for the same reason....
Posted By: incogneato Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 08:44 PM

Soooooo busted.

Hey, I am, however trying to do something productive about it... grin
Posted By: Grinity Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 08:59 PM
I meant me, not you, dear....

Actually, can you picture a world where gifted kids grow up loving and respecting athority and ready to take their rightful place in the world, without that big chip on their shoulders?

I like what my mind shows me for that picture.
Posted By: incogneato Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 09:07 PM
I meant me, not you, dear....

Isn't it nice how things we post relate to so many people in ways we never imagine..........
Posted By: incogneato Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 09:40 PM
You know, Grinity, when people like you and I share common experiences and goals, I think that is a rather realistic picture.

Another reason I love this forum....... grin
Posted By: Grinity Re: A little "ahhhh" moment - 09/13/08 10:08 PM
((big Grin))
No one's ever called me a realist before. I kind of like it.

Another reason I love this forum......
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