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Posted By: NCPMom Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 03:44 PM

Looking for ideas for dvds to buy my son for when we travel. He plays on a traveling soccer team, and when we have to drive 6 hours to a weekend tournament, it would be nice to have a movie to entertain him once in a while smile I'm looking more for live action - rather than animated. Preferably something he might learn from - but not necessarily. He has wide taste - loved Homeward Bound, Old Yeller - found The King's Speech incredibly entertaining ! What we liked about that one was that we could watch it as a family - there was no gratuitous sex/violence in it. Any great ideas for more movies like that ? He can cope with blood and gore (Lord of the Rings etc)- just no sex, please ! smile
Posted By: geofizz Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 04:03 PM
Not what you asked for, but we listen to books on CD while traveling to soccer tournaments. We get a pile from the library before each trip.
Posted By: Nautigal Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 04:57 PM
All the Harry Potter movies.

All the Men in Black movies.

Independence Day

*Batteries Not Included

Where the Red Fern Grows

Either (or both) of the Willy Wonka movies

Ender's Game (when it comes out on DVD)

Posted By: Dude Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 05:08 PM
My DD8 loves silly movies, plus anything with violence so long as it's completely escapist and unrealistic, ala LotR. If it looks anything like possible, not so much. Like you, we also screen for mature content.

So basically, everything Nautigal said, except Where the Red Fern Grows, and add:

Back to the Future trilogy
Short Circuit (both)
Star Wars movies
All of the movies featuring the Avengers (Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, etc.)
Marley and Me

Just off the top of head.

Anytime we have a question on whether a movie is appropriate for DD, we've used the family information provided on
Posted By: DeHe Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dude
Anytime we have a question on whether a movie is appropriate for DD, we've used the family information provided on

I like to figure out ages range, scariness and just general interest. Very useful site.

Posted By: syoblrig Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 05:23 PM
My boys (11) love documentaries. Can you download some Mythbusters, or Man vs. Wild, or one of the many other Discovery channel docs or series?
Seconding commonsensemedia.
Posted By: Pemberley Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 05:41 PM
I second (or third) Harry Potter, Back to the Future, Men in Black and Wonka. I am also a huge fan of the Night at the Museum movies for kids this age. Although they are animated the Shrek movies are also great.

We also do a lot of audio books in the car. Just this weekend we did Around the World in 80 Days and The Egypt Game. One long day's drive per book worked great.
Posted By: kelly0523 Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 06:39 PM
The Bridge to Tarabithia
A Wrinkle in Time
Another vote for Harry Potter
Another vote for E.T.
Posted By: polarbear Re: Movie recommendations for 10 year old - 11/19/13 06:59 PM
Another vote for Myth Busters wink
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