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Posted By: DTEMom New Here - 09/23/13 08:15 PM
Im new to this discussion board and thought I'd pop in to introduce myself. I am a SAHM to a 6yo DD and 2yo DS. My DD has always amazed us at her verbal skills. She taught herself to read in kindergarten and hasn't looked back. She was in a 2x a month pullout program at her first Kindergarten school with the gifted teacher, but never evaluated. She started 1 in a new school this year and I mentioned to her teacher her behavior (not being able to sit still, etc) may be because she isn't challenged. The teacher was amazed that she was reading at level M. (3rd gradish) She also is quite quick when it comes to math and any new concept, really. So teacher referred DD to the gifted program and we just sent in the parent evaluation form last week. We are in the DOD-military school system so I'm not sure how it all works from here. Anyway, that's where we are at today. Nice to meet you all and I look forward to getting lots of info from this site.
Posted By: 1frugalmom Re: New Here - 09/24/13 06:32 PM
Welcome DTEMom! Settle in and look around!
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