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Posted By: Pss K-8 private school scholarships? - 04/15/13 05:02 PM
Does anyone know of resources for scholarships for younger gifted children to attend private schools?

We have a great local school focused on gifted kids, but they only offer need-based scholarships for high school.

Are there other outside scholarships available for gifted kids? (In terms of financial need, I'm sure that there are lots of people more needy than us, but private school tuition is still a huge burden on a middle-income family.)
Where I am, they have financial aid packages for the privates. I was told the schools do not offer scholarships.
Posted By: polarbear Re: K-8 private school scholarships? - 04/17/13 12:50 AM
I haven't ever heard of anything offered outside of what individual schools offer to students who will be attending the school.

I'm not sure I understand what you posted about the school you're interested in - I understand that there are no scholarships based on merit, but is there no need-based aide for younger students?

Posted By: Pss Re: K-8 private school scholarships? - 06/10/13 11:39 AM
Late reply, but yes, Polarbear, that is correct. They have a limited amount of need-based funds, and they focus it on high school. (e.g. Kids that may have shown success in their public middle school, and get the chance to go to a great high school).

I guess i understand the need to focus it, though it doesnt help me much.
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