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Hi - i have a 12 mo old (just barley) who recently dismantled his floor play mat (big circles and squares - that were purposefully put together in alternating colors) - and proceed to fix it - by putting the brown circles in the brown squares etc - I was just curious is this kind of early? he's our only child at this point and some of my friends thought it was odd....
I forgot he also has been busy matching up the insoles to my shoes (takes them out of a box examines them lines them up in pairs by type and color - I have bad feet) and other things like that - he's not really into his "shape sorter toys"
Sounds like a baby that will keep you busy! Do you stay home?
Try to just give him/her many situations to satisfy curiousity.
We brought our kids everywhere at that age, they loved seeing new things!
- he's very curious - very busy -very social - super active - loves his cat - can;t say kitty yet but sometimes points and says "diddy" - he's recently started to go to day care 4 days/week - but he gets allot of attention there too - I think he's "normal"... just a few friends thought it was a little odd/early and made me curious what other mom's had experienced..
Yup, he's clearly aware of similarities and patterns. And the strong-willedness of NOT playing with the shape-sorter, but loving the one HE made certainly sounds like it could be GT excess.

Keep an eye on this one... wink
Lets see. He rearranged his environment to suit himself. He had a plan and a goal and executed it.

Just keep him away from the power tools!!!

Sounds like he would love the silverware drawer - minus the sharp knives. Keep an eye on daycare and see if the need arises for your son to be with an older than usual group of kids.
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