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Posted By: Bostonian AP Textbook Angst - 05/30/12 12:29 PM
AP Textbook Angst
Jewish World Review
By Mona Charen
May 30, 2012

After several cries of pain from my 16-year-old son, I finally got around to reading his Advanced Placement world history textbook. Not a way to spend a placid weekend.

Paging through "World Civilizations: The Global Experience" by Peter N. Stearns et al. is flabbergasting. The authors lean so far backward to be neutral about various cultures and nations that the text fails utterly as reliable history.

In the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union — with all of the copious records that have been exhumed from the Soviet archives and other sources — one might have thought that the sheer human catastrophe caused by communism ought no longer to be in question among serious people, far less eminent historians. (Actually, there has been no doubt since the 1930s, but the evidence has become even more voluminous since 1989.) Yet throughout this 900-plus-page tome, the brutal body count of communism's victims is given only glancing notice. Like Soviet apologists during the Cold War era, the authors provide generous interpretations of communist dictators motives, along with dry, forgettable descriptions of their atrocities.

"World Civilizations" tells some of our most advanced 10th graders that Josef Stalin's collectivization of agriculture "had serious flaws." That's one way of describing a deliberate policy of starving the peasantry into submission. In "Harvest of Sorrow," Robert Conquest estimated that the "terror famine" of 1932-33 caused the deaths of at least five million Ukrainians, and Stalin's agriculture collectivization, which included the war on "kulaks," (slightly more prosperous peasants) took the lives of 14.5 million people in all.

You won't find those deaths mentioned in "World Civilizations." No, the text instructs students that "after the messy transition period" had ended, "the collective farms did ... allow normally adequate if minimal food supplies ... and they did free excess workers to be channeled into the ranks of urban labor."

Later, "World Civilizations" mentions that Stalin's totalitarian regime resulted in one of the "great bloodbaths of the 20th century." But the very next sentence misleads the reader completely. "During the great purge of party leaders that culminated in 1937-38, hundreds of people were intimidated into confessing imaginary crimes against the state and most of them were put to death. Many thousands more were sent to Siberian labor camps."


A few of the reviewers on Amazon also think the book is biased. Books like these are adopted by teachers with the same biases.

Posted By: epoh Re: AP Textbook Angst - 05/30/12 01:25 PM
Wow.. I don't recall the AP History books to be like that when I was in H.S. Then again, I am in Texas, lol! We like to be biased the other direction (and so very, very far in that other direction). Thankfully, I had an AMAZING AP History teacher. I still was pretty bad at history, but she was fantastic.
Posted By: Austin Re: AP Textbook Angst - 05/30/12 07:55 PM
Stalin was a murderer and a gangster with a long rap sheet prior to getting into the Communist Party. He provided Lenin with cash for operations and Lenin looked the other way. ( Lenin also got tens of millions of dollars from the German intelligence and was sent into Russia by them to destabilize the Czars. He continued to get gold and money for many years.) The admission of Stalin was Lenin's greatest mistake and he was never able to fix it.

Stalin's signing of the Ribbentrop pact was the key event that started WWII.

In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol dividing Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland into German and Soviet spheres of influence, anticipating potential "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries. Thereafter, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded, on September 1 and 17 respectively, their respective sides of Poland, dividing the country between them. Part of eastern Finland was annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region.

Stalin was an aggressor in WWII as much as Hitler was.

The whitewash of Communism continues today.

Posted By: Val Re: AP Textbook Angst - 05/30/12 08:33 PM
Color me naive here, but what is the point in whitewashing Stalin and his methods?

ETA: not denying the whitewashing, just perplexed by it.
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