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Posted By: jack'smom IEP meeting - 04/06/12 06:05 PM
We had my older son's yearly IEP meeting today. It went really well. They renewed his IEP for his hearing loss which gives him preferential seating (in the front row), the FM system, and extended time for tests. He has never used the extended time, having aced the OLSAT and the STAR test without it (as well as the SCAT test for CTY) but it's nice they put it in there.
Out of 360 kids in the grade school gifted 4th-6th grades, there is only one other hearing impaired child in the gifted program. I ran into the teacher he will have next year for the 4th grade gifted program (it's a full-time program), and she admitted she had never had a hearing impaired student in the gifted program. Oh well!
Posted By: Grinity Re: IEP meeting - 04/09/12 03:57 PM
Great News Jack'sMom! So glad that they kept his accommodations in place and that they will have him in a full time gifted program. Like everything else, some flexibility on the part of you, the new teacher, and your son will be needed. Perhaps you could ask a previous teacher gets your son to 'bump into' next year's teacher and plant the seed of how much she liked working with your son and that she is available as a sounding board if the new teacher bumps into any stumbling blocks in the year ahead.

Posted By: daytripper75 Re: IEP meeting - 04/14/12 04:49 PM
Thanks for sharing this! My son is HI and will be starting school next year, I am sure I will have plenty of questions along the way. Thanks for blazing the trail!

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