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Posted By: slpmom School's Gifted facilitator eliminated - 03/14/11 07:19 AM
I teach at my sons' school, both gifted. We dont have magnet or gifted school options and the public school for elementary thus far has been better than private due to class size, curriculum and gifted program. We do not have a very good gifted program and for our large school of 650 kids, we were just informed that our half time gifted facilitator's position has been eliminated. Our school has 11 certified special education staff members (including me, I agree with its importance, but its so unequal that its simply not fair.) My boys have a right to learn too and now their services are being reduced even more. Our state mandates that they qualify the kids, but not actually serve them. I am planning to meet with the principal and will talk to the district if a solution cant be met. Please offer any advocacy suggestions:)
Posted By: Grinity Re: School's Gifted facilitator eliminated - 03/14/11 11:25 AM
Is starting your own school an option?

Is there a parent's group that would go to bat for the position?

Would local businesses step forward and say that they are concerned?

I couldn't get the local public to allow a subject acceleration for my own son, so I'm not the one to ask for advice on how to get anything accomplished at the school level.

Strength to you,
Posted By: Cricket2 Re: School's Gifted facilitator eliminated - 03/14/11 12:54 PM
We had luck with retaining the GT coordinator/teacher during the last round of budget cuts b/c our state allows school of choice (where kids can/do attend schools other than their assigned one) and a lot of the parents of kids in the GT program told the principal that they would be changing schools if she wasn't there anymore.

At what level is this decision made? I.e. -- could the principal choose to retain this teacher and cut elsewhere? Do you have the option of choicing your child to another school where the services are better or are there better services available anywhere else?
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