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Posted By: yannam online reading and math classes - 01/28/11 05:20 PM
i am looking for online reading and math courses for a GT student who is in first grade

please suggest
Posted By: Mamabear Re: online reading and math classes - 01/28/11 06:31 PM
What is the child's current skill set? Reading and math at what levele?
Posted By: yannam Re: online reading and math classes - 01/28/11 07:38 PM
reading between 2-3 grade, math 2nd grade (she skipped K)
Posted By: Grinity Re: online reading and math classes - 01/28/11 08:45 PM
Afterschooling or Homeschooling?
Enrichment or acceleration?
Working solo or with you or with a virtual classroom?
Posted By: MamaJA Re: online reading and math classes - 01/28/11 10:12 PM
EPGY Open Enrollment
Posted By: yannam Re: online reading and math classes - 02/01/11 10:18 PM
Hi grinity,
After school
Dd skipped k , at this stage enrichment only
Budget no issues
Posted By: yannam Re: online reading and math classes - 02/01/11 10:20 PM
Our area do not have open enrollment option because her school do not have one, any suggestions on that
Posted By: Grinity Re: online reading and math classes - 02/01/11 11:01 PM
Try for Math
Posted By: Grinity Re: online reading and math classes - 02/01/11 11:08 PM
I've heard a lot of good things about CTY's online humanities classes -
Posted By: Cricket2 Re: online reading and math classes - 02/02/11 12:00 AM
I have a list of online classes for gifted kids here. From what I know of the places on that list, EPGY and Athena's Advanced Academy would likely be your best bet for the age range/grade level you are looking for. Most of the rest have more to offer for older kids.

You could also try IXL for math although it is not specifically for gifted kids.
Posted By: Tallulah Re: online reading and math classes - 02/02/11 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by yannam
Our area do not have open enrollment option because her school do not have one, any suggestions on that
You don't need to be part of a group to do it.
Posted By: Catalana Re: online reading and math classes - 02/03/11 02:37 PM
We've done both IXL and Aleks, and I like the way Aleks moves kids over the material. IXL is more about drill, IMO. My son loves Aleks. My daughter does IXL (she isn't advanced enough for Aleks, which starts at 3rd grade I believe).
Posted By: Grinity Re: online reading and math classes - 02/03/11 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Catalana
(she isn't advanced enough for Aleks, which starts at 3rd grade I believe).
Aleks is advertising themselves as a K-12 solution, but it may well be that their math starts at grade 3 level. I haven't heard from many parents who have tried it with 'little ones' but I think it's reasonable to try a child on the 3rd grade level (or whatever lower level they have) during the free trial and see if it's workable. It may be that a much younger kid can do some of it but not all of it. I'd love to hear more real life experience, as I didn't even know about Aleks until my son was already in 4th grade!

Love and More Love,
Posted By: Catalana Re: online reading and math classes - 02/03/11 03:55 PM
I'll let you know Grinity. DS has been asking to try some "real algebra" (he wants to take chemistry asap and learned that he can't do that until he takes algebra I, which he won't get to officially for a year or two -;)). So, I signed up for the free trial (he stopped doing it at home when he started back to school as the subject acceleration was enough math at that point) to see if it is a lasting interest. Several people have posted that past the pre-algebra stage they wouldn't use Aleks as their primary math because it isn't deep enough, but for the elementary grade stuff my son loved it because he could control what he was working on and it moved quickly - not much repetition.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: online reading and math classes - 02/03/11 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Catalana
I'll let you know Grinity. DS has been asking to try some "real algebra" (he wants to take chemistry asap and learned that he can't do that until he takes algebra I, which he won't get to officially for a year or two -;)). So, I signed up for the free trial (he stopped doing it at home when he started back to school as the subject acceleration was enough math at that point) to see if it is a lasting interest. Several people have posted that past the pre-algebra stage they wouldn't use Aleks as their primary math because it isn't deep enough, but for the elementary grade stuff my son loved it because he could control what he was working on and it moved quickly - not much repetition.
Just a fwiw, if your son is interested in doing chemistry in ALEKS, I'm not sure there's any need to wait until any particular stage in maths; it has the prerequisite maths topics built in, so provided he's ready to learn them on demand (none of it seemed that hard) he could just take it as it came. I have mixed feelings about the course - it seems to me to be very, very dry, but DS still says he wants to carry on with it and does it from time to time. That said, he doesn't actually remember to choose to do it more than once every couple of weeks these days so I'm not sure which is going to come first, his finishing it or my losing patience with paying for it!
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